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Can't switch profiles between modded Skyrim and modded Fallout 4


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Title says it all, I'm on the most recent version of Vortex and have collections installed for both Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE, but every time I go to switch profiles so I can actually play my games it gets stuck on "Switching to Profile: Default". This is after numerous problems just getting the collections to install in the first place. I've left it running on this screen for HOURS and still nothing. I can't believe I pay for this program tbh. And no, I don't want to do a fresh reinstall of everything cause what's the point. I'd rather just delete Vortex and be done with modding in general if that's the solution. Thanks

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Without seeing your log file it's unclear why it's getting stuck. However, if you have hundreds of gigabytes of mods for both games it can take a while to process.

As a test, can you go to Extensions -> Show Bundled and disable "Gamebyro Plugin Management", then restart Vortex? 

If it works after doing this, the "Plugins" tab will have disappeared and you'd need to re-enable the extension to restore it. This likely means that one or both of your load orders are super, super complex and causing a timeout somewhere. If you can share a log file from when the app freezes we could take a closer look though. 

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