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Well, Wrye Bash works... until it doesn't.


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I finally broke down and got the latest version of WryeBash to face the horrors of the NeG. Most of it has been survivable.

That being said, Loot Detector (despite being the 3800 ESL version) has been classed as an ESL-flagged ESP and thus keeps getting shoved below its patches by the Bash. As a result, it's throwing an absolute cow at the idea of making a bashed patch.

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Make sure Lock Load Order isn't selected. I use LOOT to sort my load order and then tweak it from there. You can drag plugins to the proper spot in your load order. I haven't needed a bashed patch for my LO yet.

If you have encountered a bug, you can report it on Discord if you don't mind using it. They are really active right now and will fix your issue in a nightly if needed.

Here's the Bash support channel.

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I do. I am saying that (the latest) Bash is acting like Loot Detector.esl  is an ESL-tagged ESP (it isn't) and that its patches are full-blown ESLs, thus not allowing me to drag the main above them and also refusing to form a Bashed Patch! My workaround is to deactivate the Loot Detector plugins, arrange and Bashpatch everything else, then activate Loot Detector again before play. It's not elegant but it's all I have until the crew get their file definitions corrected.


Postscript: I've let #Support know.

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