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Two annoying issues with using Vortex for Cyberpunk 2077

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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Currently using Vortex version 1.13.5


The two issues I am having are as follows:

  1. Every time I open Vortex I have to set "Launch Game with REDmods Enabled" as primary. Is there a way to save this change or can I add it in an update?
  2. I have to check for mod updates through Vortex first then download the updates so that when I install the updates they overwrite the original mods. If I check for updates on Nexus, download the updated mods and then install them, they are installed as new mods so both the previous version and the new version are installed and deployed. I prefer to check for updates on Nexus instead of Vortex because it is significantly faster. If checking for updates through Vortex was quicker, this wouldn't be an issue.


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Only if you haven't updated in a long time. I check Nexus before I load up the game and you quickly find the updated mods using the update tab. Vortex takes about 5 minutes to check through all the mods for updates. It is not major issue though but I mention it because I was used to MO2 showing what needed to updated much faster back when I was modding Skyrim.

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