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Some mod ideas


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I SUCK at scripting (I have no idea how to do it) and I've gotten some really good mod ideas that require scripting. They can also be how the model is a little off and I dont know how to edit it.


No Consol- This mod takes out the consol. I have had urges to cheat in my games, and they always took hold of me, and now all my games are ruined. Yes I checked the controls panel in options, and there is no button thing for consol.


Better Running- This mod improves the running. Have you noticed that when your character runs, they run only on the balls of their feet? thats not how I run (no seriously, I tried running a lap on the school track like that, and my feet REALLY hurt =( ). This mod corrects that by making the models run like we do!


So thats all I could think up for now, So if you take a liking into these mods, make them, then send them to me =) .

BTW I did not post this in team recruitment, because I do not want to make these! oh noes! they are just mod ideas!

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Malchik asked me to post this, since the computer he's currently using won't let him post.


I believe there is already a mod that disables the console, look through the many mod sites. Then again you could get the x-box version  :D


I don't know about the running.

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