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Constant CTD when changing cells or approaching certain areas


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My game was running quite fine before the stupid and forced-down-our-throats so-called "next-gen" update. But now, everything's gone to the dogs. I've experienced a few CTD's in the Commonwealth but that's to be expected, the game being Bethesda after all. Then, I decided to continue the Far Harbor storyline that I had started pre-update. Every area had already been discovered during a pre-update session, but now, several places just make the game CTD just by approaching them. Nuka World runs fine, but now the problems have extended to the Commonwealth itself; several buildings now cause CTD's just be entering the cells. I haven't added any mod since the update so now I'm guessing the update screwed everything up. Thing is, how do I fix this?

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I’m running NG just fine with about a hundred mods or so. If you’re trying to load a saved game from a previous play-through, then you need to recreate your load order, otherwise you will have crashes. Mods that require FO4SE need to be upgraded to NG UNLESS they replicate the functionality with Papyrus script. I have two mods like that. If a mod doesn’t require FO4SE, then it may work just fine.

Don’t forget to sort your load order with LOOT.

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I've currently started a new playthrough with a new character and see where it goes but I've already had two CTD's insofar approaching certain spots. I have also sorted my load order with Loot but it's not making a difference.

Edited by FullMetalMadcat
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It sounds to me as if one or some of your mods conflict with something new the NG update introduced or changed. Starting a new game would not help then. Only a fundamental new mod build-up with NG proven mods might be a reliable solution.

Or change back to 1.10.163? I still don't understand what's the reason for PC players to use the next gen version.

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Okay, I've followed all instructions to downgrade to 163 and checked/updated some mods so that they could work. There's some progress but unfortunately the areas that were causing the game to CTDs are still causing them...

Edit: Ran Loot, and recheked my mods and there's some improvements but still experience CTDs. Commonwealth and Nuka World are relatively problem-free as it is.

Edited by FullMetalMadcat
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I have experienced a bug like that a long time ago, that can become from incorrect texture size in texture pack. When coming in the game area that load this texture that cause instant crash. With error log relative to a failed CreateTexture2D call.

You must install buffout4 to have more detailed log errors.

Also Nexus has a page to reference a lot of these texture pack that can cause ctd but can't find it.

Test without your texture pack if you use one.

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