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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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Beyond design choices and whatnot, the actual experience of browsing the site on a non-chromium browser is atrocious. The scrolling and general navigation is unresponsive, the scrolling is laggy, and trying to do the same things I was doing a week ago now takes longer, and is a terrible user experience. Please give users an option to use the old layout, even just for the performance improvements.

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The truth is, Nexus Staff have no qualms with ignoring feedback of any kind because they alone possess a "monopoly" (for lack of a better term) on the modding scene for the internet. I am sure they are well aware of this fact, and it's because of this they are able to do essentially whatever they please with the site knowing that users will still participate, pay for premium, upload/download, etc. I would like to believe that what is happening now to the U.I is just something experimental, but they could very well push back even harder on the topic and it would do very little to deter business coming to and from Nexus Mods.

Just consider if these U.I changes would ever deter you from using the site in any meaningful capacity. If you play a video game that is moddable, 95% of the mods will be hosted here on Nexus. Some are reuploaded elsewhere true, but those are few and far between.

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well they removed the old ui fully. i genuinely hate this ui


it hurts my eyes, it's not readable at all, why are collections massive? why do i have to scroll down to see new mods? why can't i even reorder it? why is it so laggy???

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The new UI wastes ton of space with useless paddings, margins and white space

Plus it adds a bunch of "suggested" content, at the very top, as if the user needs to be spoon fed. It's nice to have a place where to see suggested or recommended content, but not as the first thing in the home page. Put it in a dedicated page where the user can look at it if they want to: no one logs onto nexus mod thinking "let's see what the websites will recommend me". We all already know what we want

This is all wasted space. When i enter the page i have to scroll down a lot to see what i actually care about: new mods. Also all the space between each square, vertically, is wasted space


The new recent/popular/trending filters also suck, they were better before

The new color scheme is an eyesore as well, it's all black and grey, with no colors to make the needed informations pop out all at once, instead i have to read every single word (which slows down browsing by a lot). With the old UI you'd see everything you need to see at a glance. For example here, every row, every info has the same color. How can i see at a glance what i need? I can't. I have to read everything every time. 



When you go in the "view all" mode, that is quite good. The color scheme is the only bad thing there, but the layout, the spacing, is all decent. ALthough i would allow more mods per row: people with an ultrawide have lots of space


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and i know it's not what you consider """constructive criticism""" but this ui is seriously awful. it reminds me of videogamemods.com, down to the lag and that site's ui is AWFUL


FIX IT. PLEASE. it's unreadable at a glance, shows less information, removes what flavor the site had left, and just looks plain bad

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Just now, byrdworker said:

and i know it's not what you consider """constructive criticism""" but this ui is seriously awful. it reminds me of videogamemods.com, down to the lag and that site's ui is AWFUL


FIX IT. PLEASE. it's unreadable at a glance, shows less information, removes what flavor the site had left, and just looks plain bad

Oh my god you're right, I didn't notice until you mentioned it but the mod browsing page is nearly 1 to 1. Though even then videogamemods looks BETTER and I hate to say it. They actually stole their style and did it WORSE!

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The new UI is unfortunately just a downgrade from the previous one, aesthetically it's just worse, and performance wise unless you're using a Chromium browser it's also worse than the previous UI.


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