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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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3 hours ago, JustThatKing said:

We've been speaking to the design team about the levels of contrast introduced to make some adjustments and setting contrast rules in our design system that hopefully help with the contrast issues you are having with the site. 

How does this screenshot look to you? This is an example of the highest contrast we are trying at the moment (14:1), so this screenshot is testing that (which would be the maximum contrast in the UI. Although it may be lower contrast in the final design, as long as it's above 7:1. Do you think this will help with your problems? 



I do appreciate that you are attempting to reach out.

The sample you have provided represents only a small portion of what a whole page would appear like, and I am afraid that with the level of darkness it currently encompasses, that the overall experience will still prove to be overwhelming. The text is a good size (personally speaking), but I agree with WndMll's opinion (included below) that the colour hex of #8e8e8e would be a major improvement.


1 hour ago, WndMll said:

#8e8e8e on top of #232326 would look even better, but that's like, just my opinion, man.


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2 minutes ago, Qrsr said:

I noticed you totally messed the Fonts also ... have a look what is expected to be used looks different in action:


Can you please link me to the page you are seeing this on and in what context? I can't replicate this on my end across some test mod pages, comments, etc. 

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11 minutes ago, Lollia said:

I do appreciate that you are attempting reach out.

The sample you have provided represents only a small portion of what a whole page would appear like, and I am afraid that with the level of darkness it currently encompasses, that the overall experience will still prove to be overwhelming. The text is a good size (personally speaking), but I agree with WndMll's opinion (included below) that the colour hex of #8e8e8e would be a major improvement.

I've passed this over to the design team to take a look at. Thanks for getting back to me on it. 

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Something I experienced last night when trying to publish a mod.

When it was time to fill out the text in the backend for a mod description, I had to squint, and lean forward so far, my nose was almost touching my screen, I literally had to use a magnifying glass because SUPER WHITE TEXT BACKGROUND with "Wafer Thin" Slightly GRAY TEXT, looks like something out of a MySpace Page, where the kid set a Chartreuse Background with Yellow Text on it.

It was almost unreadable, and was extremely difficult for me to see if I had made any spelling errors, because at my age, I'm starting to jumble the spelling of words quite a LOT now, and my eyesight is going to hell as well.

Also, as someone mentioned earlier, please have the default destination tab be the DESCRIPTION PAGE when somebody clicks on the mod link from the search page.
You can often find in any random mod comment section where people are asking “What does this mod do?”, “How do I install it?” with those questions often sitting directly underneath a STICKY of what that mod does and how to install it, along with a detailed Description page with that information as well.

Sending people to the Description Tab will encourage at least some percentage of people to read the Mod Description and any install instructions.
At least try to encourage people to read the mod description by sending to that Tab first, instead of the FILES tab.

Also, I would like to suggest making the REQUIRED section of the mod page, much clearer in its intent.

I've seen people who clearly do not understand how the REQUIREMENT section of the page works, and they will leave comments like “LMAO no way I'm installing this mod, it has WAY TOO MANY REQUIREMENTS”, when in fact, they were looking at the section of the REQUIREMENT section, that just tells them what other Mods, Require THAT mod.

SO some people are looking at that section completely wrong, and skipping over some great mods, because they don't understand the Requirement section.

For some reason, users aren't 'getting' the difference between “NEXUS REQUIREMENTS” and “MODS REQUIRING THIS FILE” sections.

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3 hours ago, JustThatKing said:

We've been speaking to the design team about the levels of contrast introduced to make some adjustments and setting contrast rules in our design system that hopefully help with the contrast issues you are having with the site. 

How does this screenshot look to you? This is an example of the highest contrast we are trying at the moment (14:1), so this screenshot is testing that (which would be the maximum contrast in the UI. Although it may be lower contrast in the final design, as long as it's above 7:1. Do you think this will help with your problems? 


A little better, but doesn't it occured to you yet that a choose of colors itself is a problem, making it over-contrasted on its own? Bright white versus a pitch black, with it it would be need to lower contrast so much, that white would become grey. Guess why in Windows exists such option named High Contrast (as help for people with very bad eyesight) and it isn't as default. 

Personaly I would p*ss*d off to hire someone for making a new UI only to find that this "designer" is incapable, just copying something and doesn't know even basic things about an ergonomy. With this work you just burned (of course someone else's) money and you even aren't ashamed of it, it seems.

Ah, it's no point to me engaging in this thread any longer. I'm beginning to repeat itself and I said what was needed already, so this my last post. But I noticed something. Seeing my forum profile I found that my reputation almost doubled now. How ironic and sad that I was rewarded this way for not helping people, but scolding them.

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1 hour ago, JustThatKing said:

Can you please link me to the page you are seeing this on and in what context? I can't replicate this on my end across some test mod pages, comments, etc. 

This is true for the "No Editor" view concerning the description box. For images, mod pages, etc.

The editor for the description box shows the correct font.

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