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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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Just got hit by the new UI design today and I thought my browser was broke or the webpage loaded badly because its that bad. I mean does anyone actually like this new design? The old one was fine and worked well for me for a long time and now I have to put up with this new design that is frankly awful and there is no option to revert. Whoever decided this is a good idea really needs to go through all these replies and see that very few people like this. If this was steam review it would be on overwhelmingly negative. It's fine to admit you were wrong and just go back to what works.

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The new design is absolutely bad in literally every possible way applicable, and it's not optional.
This is a great way to kill off your site and lose anyone who has other places to go.

Whomever ordered & designed this clearly has no training in graphic design, and no sense of aesthetics whatsoever.

Legitimately, i have seen websites from the early 2000s designed better.
Hells, Ive seen tumblr blogs designed better.

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There's something funny about the claim of how well-liked it is while also not allowing anything in the actual feedback page to really go anywhere.

Most one got to was 118 upvotes of different people saying of how they disliked it before it was summarily closed.


What's the point of a feedback section if it's just going to be ignored?

Seems it would be a good place to gather unique votes on how people feel about it instead of using a forum topic.

Edited by UX99
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