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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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5 minutes ago, Darkleon54 said:

Never saw that either

My guess, only a handful of people are getting the pop-ups, so they can claim, “Only a few responded to the poll, so things are staying as they are"

It happens every time when they change something on the site and pretend that your feedback is “Important”. Every. Single. Time.”

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9 minutes ago, SynthetiXxX said:

Nexus sure was quick to remove this little trick. What a shocker!!

Holy Moly what a terrible statement from someone in an official position representing the site, assuming this isn't paraphrased or strawman'ed


You can find it copy and pasted numerous times all on this page:

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4 minutes ago, UX99 said:


You can find it copy and pasted numerous times all on this page:

Holy moly what a horrible person
Overall these changes and staff interaction makes me really sad as a long time user

Edited by lemistio1
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Not a fan of the new UI, the previous version was perfect. Something about the new UI that's too visually unnapealing. I rarely Interact with the website now. 

Definately needs an option to "use old version".


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