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Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Mod Support - TOS changes


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So, a few days ago, the game Hogwarts Legacy got "Official Mod Support". However, in the ToS, a whole new section has been added that basically bans modding except stuff that is authorized by them.
Now, I'm no legal expert by any means, but I'd like to know what this would mean for using Nexus mods created till now, rather than with the new "Official modding kit" (which, btw, is 250GB in size), which I assume is the only way to make "authorized" mods unless they've chosen existing mods to 'authorize'.

In addition, the relevant update notes claim you need to use your WB-games account (yay, ANOTHER third party account, my favorite), and Curseforge (which I dislike for reasons).

Attached is a screen of the relevant section.

TLDR: What does all of this mean for modding this game via Vortex?

modding terms.png

Edited by Wyrdflame
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