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I've been away since OG Skyrim and I'm looking to get back into modding

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If anyone wants to help me get started there are a few things I wanted to know/could use some help with as I'm unfamiliar with AE apart from putting some hours into it before deciding I really needed mods

Which Mod manager should I pickup?

  • why should I choose that one over the alternative?
  • what tutorials are available for it?

Any pitfalls I should be aware of in general?

  • there are many once great mods but I've been gone a while and download(s) don't always reflect how good something is in present day
  • I will be installing SKSE as I'm familiar with it and the tutorials I've seen are very familiar 

Everybody Needs Boris (ENB) I never asked as to why this was necessary in the past but seeing as I'm looking to understand what I'm doing more these days It'd be nice to get some elaboration I think I heard cam and seb once say it was a performance thing that ALSO allowed for things like depth of field and better lighting?

I can't find anything that suggests I need to make a custom ini for AE?

If you've read this far I'm very grateful in an ideal world I'm looking to be informed of how something works as opposed to just getting it working but I am here to play a video game at the end of the day any replies greatly appreciated 😀


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I have used MO in the past, and am currently using Vortex.  Vortex is much more automated, which can be good, as it makes the learning curve only a little less steep.  MO2 has a lot of proponents, a lot of tutorials (some very old), and it seems to be easier to comprehend in manually manipulating load orders, especially for those who used NMM or MO in Skyrim LE.  Vortex does not have to be running to run a modded Skyrim, as long as you have set the mods up properly (there are help files in Vortex, some videos, and a lot of help available in the fourms), while MO2 does have to be running in the background for the mods to take effect in the game.

There is a source for compatibility of SKSE-based mods on the Nexus:  ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ).  There are plans underway to make all such help/wiki information stored on Github, I believe, but this will help you find out which mods have compatible versions or similar replacement mods.

ENB is still the standard, I believe, but Community Shaders and the supporting mods are developing fast, and often tend to be less of a drag on the game - YMMV.

The unofficial patches are necessary for Skyrim SE/AE (the latest version is 1.6.1170, and is the base Anniversary Edition, not to be confused with the paid DLC Anniversary Edition Upgrade).  Engine Fixes SE, Scrambled Bugs, Actor Limit Fix, Bug Fixes SSE, Equip Enchantment Fix, NPC AI Process Position Fix NG, powerofthree's Tweaks (and a lot of other stuff by that author), should all be considered for inclusion in your LO.

Mator Smash and Wrye Bash are still around, but Smash has problems with the ESPFE formatted mods that don't count against the base LO limit of 254 esp files, it can't handle more than 255 at one time, while WB can.

Will end the WOT for now, good luck!  I am sure that others will be by to put in their $ 0.02.

Sorry, forgot about animations - Open Animation Replacer (OAR), and Pandora are what I use right now, Pandora is the more modern version of FNIS, and more complete/much easier to use, IMO, than Nemesis.  If you are wanting SMP, then Faster SMP/HDT is what you want to be running.  The most bodies are for CBBE/CBBE3BA for physics, BHUNP might be more familiar for you.

Edited by 7531Leonidas
Forgot about animation mods.
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I find MO2 easier to understand and I really like having my base Data file completely unchanged no matter how many mods I use. It makes deleting a mod much cleaner since everything in that mod is in a separate folder. It is easy to open up that mod's folder in MO2 and look at all the meshes, textures and scripts it contains and mark any you don't want to include as hidden if there is like one texture you don't like among all the rest. And to unhide it if you change your mind. 

Tutorials:  Gopher MO2 tutorials has a whole series, also Gamer Poets MO2 tutorials. Both are very useful for installing, setting up and using.

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