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FNVEdit error?


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When I run FNVEdit on my latest game I get this error message at the end of the run, "Error: Required module "FalloutNV.esm" is present but will be ignored as it doesn't match any of the specified CRC32s."

I get the same error message for Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road. It says Gun Runners Arsenal also will not run as the above eam's are not present.

I started the game with nvse as usual and it ran fine.

Anyone have any idea as to why I am getting this error message?

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Did you use GOOGLE to find out what CRC32 is?  I did and I still don't know what they are.  Maybe you might have a better understanding if you read about them.

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CRC32 is a 32 bit Cyclic Redundancy Check. It's basically a calculation that is done on a file to compare the stored check value against the calculated check value to see if the file has been corrupted. Wikipedia has an article on CRC checks if you want to know exactly how it is calculated.

Usually if a file fails the CRC check it means that the file got corrupted, but for every esm to be corrupted is really weird. It would be very unusual to have that many files corrupted and not notice anything else wrong with your game. Maybe it's your FNVEdit that is really corrupted?

By the way, CRC checks are used all over the place. Ethernet packets have a 32 bit CRC check at the end of the packet. If the CRC calculation on the packet doesn't come up with the same value as the CRC check value at the end of the packet, the Ethernet chip knows that the packet got corrupted during transmission and dumps it as a failed packet. Hard drives, thumb drives, etc. also use CRC checks to look for data corruption on the disk. USB also contains a CRC. It's used all over the place to detect errors.

I wasn't aware that esm files had a CRC check value in them, or maybe this is something that FNVEdit has stored for the various different files out there from different Fallout versions? I don't know.

But basically, overall it just means a file doesn't match the check value that it's supposed to have, which means that the file got corrupted somehow. Either that or FNVEdit is corrupted and isn't doing the calculation correctly.

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Like you M48A5 I googled CRC32 and did not have a better understanding of what exactly it was.

Thank you madmongo for your explanation, it cleared up what CRC32 is meant to achieve. I am using the GOG version of FNV,  1.40.525. I do not think the version is the reason this is happening as I have played this for quite some time without this warning. I just started a new game and believe it may be mod related. I have been playing for over eight hours now with no problems so this may just be a false negative.

If my game starts to get wonky I will uninstall all mods and reinstall FNV and add my mods a few at a time checking with FNVEdit each time. Hopefully this will not be necessary as that is a tedious process and I am an exceedingly lazy person. I will also delete FNVEdit and reinstall it, just to cover all bases per your recommendations madmongo.

Once again thank you for your replies.

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