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Vortex tore my screen in half, PLEASE HELP!!!


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Hello all


   i recently opened vortex for the first time in quite awhile, now my screen is messed up and i can't figure out how to fix it. I've tried updating vortex, my graphics drivers, and even windows. I've restarted the computer, I've uninstalled vortex, and I've tried changing my display resolution. what's happening is that a small portion of the bottom of my screen is cut off and is actually moved to the top of my screen even when vortex is closed, i know the issue is vortex because when i have vortex open it will fix itself for a second then go back to being broken. i read several other post about graphical issues with vortex and they suggested turning off GPU acceleration, but when i did it is still broken but no longer try's to fix its self. any help is appreciated, thank you

Edited by soeffingths
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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the same issue. screen artefacts and images in app like the game profile top left appeared with serious fuzz..

Issue seems to have gone after a game ready driver update (nvidia app) for my 3050Ti. If it appears again, i've bookmarked this thread and i'll post a screenshot. Likely the same issue. 

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