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I have armor in negative, help please


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17 hours ago, diegoA22 said:

I already solved it, I tried the resurrect command and it worked

Hi, Diego. You might want to still see if you can figure out what caused it. Resurrect reset all your buffs and debuffs, so that's why it zeroed your status, but it didn't figure out what caused it.

For instance, there are mods like Brastia's Supergirl collection which have costumes (very cool mod, by the way) with kryptonite effect which give you very, very, very negative stats and more. If you have a mod which gives you some strong debuffs, you could probably either just cancel that debuff or remove it naturally.

There's a tab in the Magic menu (the one way on the right) which lists your current effects. Usually you can find what causes the effects by reading that tab.

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