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CK Armor Replacer Help

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I am wanting to make armor replacers using resources from other mods for my own personal use (they are not going to be published... unless I get the ok from the original authors). I am new to the Creation Kit and all the research I have done previously points to using the Creation Kit. But I keep having problems in getting the process to work. I have put down my process on how I keep getting the error in the next few posts. I want to make sure this is as clear as I can make it, so bear with me, I apologize in advance. Here is my process: I open up the Creation Kit using MO2, then I load up the mods I think I need; those being dawnguard.esm, BGSMerpsGondorianArmament.esp, GondorianRangerArmor.esp, and LOTR King Armors.esp. When prompted that there is no active file, I continue anyway since I am not wanting to edit anything from the other esps other than Dawnguard. The following pictures show the rest of the process from here....

I first click ArmorAddon since from my research that happens first



I then choose the body nif I want to change....


I then select the Biped Model....


more to continue....

Screenshot (37).png

Edited by KingButters64
Clarification on the line of posts.
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Extract it from the Meshes BSA in the real game folder, nothing what so ever to with MO.. it just a game asset.

@scorrp10 Why virtualise it? is that not making it unnecessary complicated? Just to get an simple asset

LOL sorry I use MO heaps, I can even say MO was my biggest nightmare, with LE updating, SKSE updating to match, MO in development was unstable. Want to to know what broke my Game the most ?


MO updates

those that live it know it is true, but we had faith in Tannin, but if I had to extract a game asset, I would not bother going thru MO? What for? Where the advantage or benefit? 

The K.I.S.S. methodology Keep It Simple Stupid.  

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