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Simple question about cells


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I just want to know what the limit is for an interior cell, dimension-wise, if any. I am working on a cell with a rather protracted cave network and upon testing I found my character makes it to a certain point and then warps back to a certain place in the maze.

There are not that many objects added in, just the cave walls and such, but as I said the cave tunnel is very long.

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I've heard several different numbers. I don't know which one is correct.

The first two numbers I've heard make sense since they are on power of 2 boundaries, so the limit in the X, Y, or Z direction would be either 16k or 32k (so +/-16383 or +/-32767).

I have also seen a number around 22,000 before things in the game's physics engine start to go wonky. Not sure where the exact limit would be on this one since it's not an even power of 2.

Do you know roughly where your player encounters the issue? Do they warp back to the cell origin (0,0,0)?


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So I did two tests. There are two cells linked to one another. For the first test, I started in cell 1 and went through the door to cell 2 to test the teleport and once in cell 2 I couldn't advance at all, just stuck right at the entrance. Noclip mode through console and I advanced but then when I turned clipping on I warped back to the position I was stuck at. Test two, I loaded an old save where I was somewhere in the middle of cell 2. I started making my way to the entrance and then when I got to a certain point, maybe 30 paces or so, I warped back to the middle area I started in. Could move though.

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My experience as a player suggest you should not having asset count beyond 1.2k in a cell. Beyond that, you would have troubles with creatures/NPCs spawning or visualizing. The more NPC and creatures you plan to place, the lower asset count should be.

Example: Waaaaay back when I tried this mod Raider Sewer. it is a simple mod: big large sewer tunnel fill with raiders to fight. But to the end of the sewer, I have several red dot of hostiles  around me but there's nothing to see. I have to wait until the corpses get despawn before they pop in

Second example: Metro central tunnel in F3, DC. The central metro tunnel that has 8 or more links to other cell? Yeah, the default vanila design place barely enough creatures in that. If you use any mod that place extra hostiles in there, it would despawn the few default corpses in there. And that map is pretty heavy.

Third example: Cliffcavern01, the raider cave cell: big, with lots of raider that spawn by activators.

Fourth example: Oliver Compound in FNV. That would be 4-floors office cell with lots of NPCs placed by activators.

In fact, you can check that metro cell or Oliver compound as a classic demo of how much assets you can stuff inside, and how big it can be.

Edited by laclongquan
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But that's the thing, I don't think the asset count is that high, I have only created the tunnel with zero clutter, zero NPCs. I think there is something to do with XYZ because I deleted a section and it works fine. Guess I will split them into two cells.

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