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Spmething ruined my game graphics


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Ok my game graphics was really good like faces bodies hands clothes light effects. Because of serious bug i deleted my game and re install it with similiar but lighter mods, settings are same in options but game graphics about everything screwd up,very much low quality everything, is it possible if any mod conflicts cause that? Please help me i cant play my favorite game.

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20 minutes ago, FIMzzZzz said:

with this lack of information no one will be able to help you. some info people might need to help

mod list

openMW or vanilla (w/ or w/o mge-xe)


OpenMW, i got many weapon, armor, hameplay, quest, landmass, gaction mods like 260 - 300 but used most of them before with better body/heads etc mods, i was trying to improve my game play but after few 10s of more mods my graphics ruined.

For example if i start new game jıibs face was much detailed and one eye was red before, but now hes face or body has no detail at all not even scar or red eye, even his pants same. Dont know what the hell just happened i just disabled/enamled all mods but nothing changed.


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What kind of video card?

Reinstall your video cards drivers to see if it helps..  If you got an upgrade to the drivers recently, you may need to use the previous drivers, and reinstalling the last drivers before you got the news ones.  Restoring those older drivers might fix it too. 


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If I understood correctly, the graphics got messed up after installing 10 mods. Check the configuration file (org in the docs).

I don't know how it is in OpenMW, but in the standard game, if there is no file to load, the following mods won't load.
This happens when a mod is uninstalled but not disabled.

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It is important that mods are stacked in a load order.   If they are mods that adjusts graphics they must be placed in the area for them.  Look in Morrowind WiKi information for mixing mods.  Installing then in a random order stack can cause conflicts among the mods all meant to control one part,  Graphics.

Too many mods that adjust graphics can often be the cause of the problem.

You really only need one mod to control the graphics cards function.  Or learned to adjust the settings in the games ini files.

Read about how to adjust the games graphics and other settings in the games Main INI file.  Morrowind has two main INI files and a Backup INI that you can learn to adjust the settings in to improve your graphics, video card res  1920x1080/3080x2061 or such can be changed in the INI file.  @.ini

For newbs learning about the ini files it is important that when you find out which ini files you can make simple changes to for a much greater effect, you must, I mean this, make a copy of the ini pages to your desktop.  Then you can play around changing the files with Notepad or Notepad++ to your hearts content.  If you mess up, no problem.  Delete the messy ini file in the game.  Then just copy and paste the original ini files and put them back in the folder where they belong.

After you  have put copies of the ini files you saved copies of to your desktop you can restart the game with the originals again.

Practice practice practice and you'll be setting the ini setting to your hearts and eyes content in no time.   

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32 minutes ago, Pagafyr said:

It is important that mods are stacked in a load order.   If they are mods that adjusts graphics they must be placed in the area for them.  Look in Morrowind WiKi information for mixing mods.  Installing then in a random order stack can cause conflicts among the mods all meant to control one part,  Graphics.

Too many mods that adjust graphics can often be the cause of the problem.

You really only need one mod to control the graphics cards function.  Or learned to adjust the settings in the games ini files.

Read about how to adjust the games graphics and other settings in the games Main INI file.  Morrowind has two main INI files and a Backup INI that you can learn to adjust the settings in to improve your graphics, video card res  1920x1080/3080x2061 or such can be changed in the INI file.  @.ini

For newbs learning about the ini files it is important that when you find out which ini files you can make simple changes to for a much greater effect, you must, I mean this, make a copy of the ini pages to your desktop.  Then you can play around changing the files with Notepad or Notepad++ to your hearts content.  If you mess up, no problem.  Delete the messy ini file in the game.  Then just copy and paste the original ini files and put them back in the folder where they belong.

After you  have put copies of the ini files you saved copies of to your desktop you can restart the game with the originals again.

Practice practice practice and you'll be setting the ini setting to your hearts and eyes content in no time.   


Please check my load order

If lithem in that order from top to bottom

Tamriel, oaab, snow king, cyrodil, skyrim

cuntting floor, purist pack

Accurate attack

Head body packs

Armor weapon texture packs

Unique mods like mad lvler, blood and gore

Npc mods like mca, repopulated, friends and foes

Game mechanics packs like priviliges and services, its take one to know one, give orders 

Sound and dialouge mods

Weapon packs

Armor packs

Shield packs

Magic packs

Little mods like unlimited items, patrols, hidden loot packs, height weight

Guilds/orders like knights guild, the goathumpers, imperial legion expanded

Dungeons/extra wuests like oblivion, caldera blood and bone, strike to commera tong, blood and faith

Hostiles like outlaws, bandits  wild goblins to maps and ınique hostile nocs like black knight  ebony warrior, overpovered umbra and hostile mods for example overpowered sixth house, demon force for dedra

Companions like ulf the baby wolf, yadhga, contance tief, hammer of osirim, followers

Not that important mods like rabbits, cats dogs, water life, dinosaurs

Going to work this way?



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Try this.  Open the game with a Save that is one prior to when you started the game up and discovered your game got messed?  If the previous Save doesn't cause the problems then the last Save you restarted the game with is a Dirty Save.

If I played for a half an hour before I Saved once or twice that caused the Save I made aft playing for so long to cause the problem.  I was furious because I had to start the game in the Save a half an earlier.  I learned to save every ten minutes after that.

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