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Walking speed versus other speeds

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I'm aware of the speedmult setting but I'm wondering where the setting in the game is that determines the difference between running, walking and sprinting speed fro the player.  I've downloaded some mods to look at in xedit but all they seem to do for players is change two game settings:



which from searching appear to be for those who use controllers (also no explanation of what they mean!)

If I change the speedmult I alter all speeds, I'm wondering how to change just one of any of the three when using keyboard control.



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I wasn't aware of that, however I don't think that gives me what I'm looking for, I'm hoping there is some game setting or actor value that can be changed so that say, running stays the same speed but walking can be made faster.  I've read that this is part of the gamepad functionality for the game but not using a keyboard and mouse.  I have a mod which allows me to change the speedmult in an MCM menu, I did this for me since I get motion sickness if I don't reduce it:) but I'm thinking it would be more useful if I could separate out adjustments to each of walk/run/sprint.



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I think your on the right track with the float game setting 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 game settings can be set with SKSE, and SKSE can detect when Key is 

  • pushed down
  • released up
  • duration held down on release up

SKSE game settings is not save persistent, it will need a mainentiance script, Key registration is save persistent though. With Vanilia, game settings can also get set with a plugin ini file or with the plugin itself has you have noticed.

BOTTOM LINE I do not see a problem, you just got to find the right settings, which there are too many for an unmotivated individual to look at, and it is also incomplete, so it may just be missing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


EDIT OFC to any reader, for a Static change, use the vanilla MOD INI file or the plugin. NOT SKSE, in that scenario it is overkill)), for homebrew, I would use a Custom INI

https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Guide:Skyrim_Configuration_Settings#:~:text=from SkyrimPrefs.ini.-,SkyrimCustom.ini,-SkyrimCustom.ini can


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