Lushkingruby Posted February 25 Share Posted February 25 Hi, I’m new to the mod world and looking for some help. I made a new quest and tried copying how they have the Marriage stuff in Vanilla, but I keep running into problems. The Scripts under the Script Tab compiles, but putting Scripts in some of the Quest Stages and Dialogue Views gives errors. The issue so far is the errors "Variable Is Undefined" “None is not a known user-defined type” these seems to always happen on my Alias_Loveinterest too. Hoping to fix my problem or a guide/tutorial on how to make them marriageable. I can’t really find any in-depth information on making custom voice followers marriageable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeterMartyr Posted February 25 Share Posted February 25 Find a custom follower with a unique voice that is marriageable and copy it)) But this is important, vanilla voice or unique, because if it is a vanilla voice, just add them to marriage faction and you are done Edit if it is a Unique Vanilla Voice like the Selene Kate, that just edited vanilla dialogue, it get more complicated, with a script add them to marriage voice form list)) then with this file structure add the voice files \Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\YourUniqueFollower Just duplicate the require marriage dialogue there. Do not forget about \Sound\Voice\HearthFires.esm\YourUniqueFollower You can hack the Vanilla Marriage Quest that easy, by adding them to the form list and supplying some fuz files. Just make sure the files name match the vanila ones, so the marriage quest can find it 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lushkingruby Posted February 28 Author Share Posted February 28 How do you copy the way someone else did their mod? I’m now trying to replicate the marriage system of Khajiit Will Follow. Half the stuff doesn’t show up, like can’t assess the Edit Source to see the Scripts. I also can’t see what they put into the Papyrus fragment spots. Edit: I managed to decompile some Scripts, but still don’t know what they put in the Papyrus fragment sections. |Sound\Voice|Skyrim.esm\YourUniqueFollower How do I follow that file structure? My Skyrim.esm isn’t under voice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scorrp10 Posted February 28 Share Posted February 28 All vanilla voice files are actually contained in the Skyrim-Voices_en0.bsa archive. You need BAE to view and extract That said, in order for an NPC to express interest in a marrying a player, a number of things need to be satisfied. The 'RelationshipMarriageWedding' quest must not be running. (no wedding proceedings under way yet) The RelationshipMarriage quest must be at stage 10 - that is, the player must have actually spoken to the priest of Mara, and expressed an interest in getting married. Player needs to be wearing Amulet of Mara. Player must not be in 'PlayerMarriedFaction' (that is not married yet) NPC and player must have relationship rank 1 (friend) or higher NPC must be in PotentialMarriageFaction NPC must not be in MarriageCourtingFaction NPC must have a voice type that is in one of "VoicesMarriage***" Formlists There are Formlists: VoicesMarriageArgonian VoicesMarriageArrogant (various Haughty, Cynical, Sultry, Coward, Condescending types) VoicesMarriageNeutral (EvenToned, Commoner, YoungEager types) VoicesMarriageNord VoicesMarriageOrc VoicesMarriageRough (Brute, Commander, Dark Elf) The actual spoken lines differ for various voices. There is also VoicesMarriageAll list that includes all of the above. There are also VoicesMarriageAdoption*** lists that are used in dealing with child adoption. And they are actually defined in Hearthfires.esm, so you need to select Hearthfires.esm as one of your masters. Then, you generally want to run a script in your mod. You can attach the script to the NPC record, and define OnLoad() Event. SctiptName InitMarriageStuff extends Actor FormList Property VoicesMarriageAll Auto FormList Property VoicesMarriageNeutral Auto FormList Property VoicesMarriageAdoptionAll Auto FormList Property VoicesMarriageAdoptionNeutral Auto VoiceType Property MyCustomVoice Auto State Loaded Event OnLoad() EndEvent EndState Event OnLoad() GoToState("Loaded") VoicesMarriageAll.AddForm(MyCustomVoice) VoicesMarriageNeutral.AddForm(MyCustomVoice) VoicesMarriageAdoptionAll.AddForm(MyCustomVoice) VoicesMarriageAdoptionNeutral.AddForm(MyCustomVoice) EndEvent The script approach is better than messing with those FormLists in CK. Since your mod might be not the only one trying to add stuff to them. So assuming that the name of that custom voice type is actually 'MyCustomVoice', and it is female and fairly close to 'FemaleYoungEager' You open Skyrim-Voices_en0.bsa with a BSA Extractor, uncheck the root node, expand sound - voice - Skyrim.esm - and check the box next to femaleyoungeager. While at it, check femaleyoungeager in Hearthfires.esm as well. Extract into SSE\Data, or into your mod's staging directory. Go into extracted files, and under both Skyrim.esm and HearthFires.esm, rename femaleyoungeager to MyCustomVoice. If you look at quest RelationshipMarriage, PlayerDialogue, first Branch, its CourtingIntroTopic for neutral voice types has a response to "Interested In me, are you?" : Well, yes. Why wouldn't I be? Are you... interested in me? And looking at the response, it uses file: Relationsh_RelationshipMar_00074DE1_1 If you look in general, pretty much all relationship-related voice files start with 'relation', and any adoption-related files under hearthfires, start with 'byohrelati'. You likely want to keep those and clean out the rest. Of course, at this point, your follower will be using femaleyoungeager voice for all marriage dialogue. So you likely want to re-record those lines in the custom voice, generate lip files, compact them to fuz, and replace the voice files you copied from femaleyoungeager with your own. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeterMartyr Posted March 1 Share Posted March 1 @scorrp10 I think we agree more than we disagree, spot on with that, I also use code to set faction relationships FYI Friends and Enemies, with new Factions to existing Game ones, for the same reason that it is recommended to do it with Formlist However, I think someone that not a trained coder will have trouble processing and virtualizing that. It will be → How can randomly adding fuz files and mutating a formlist hack a quest dialogue? Hopefully they see it Edit @Lushkingruby this my file structure for dialogue, it may help Data\Sound\Voice\Poupa.esp\_FemaleUniquePoupa Data\Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\_FemaleUniquePoupa Data\Sound\Voice\Dawnguard.esm\_FemaleUniquePoupa Data\Sound\Voice\HearthFires.esm\_FemaleUniquePoupa Data\Sound\Voice\Dragonborn.esm\_FemaleUniquePoupa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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