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Mod for Brotherhood of Steel Alterations


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Okay, so I've been thinking for a while about this, but I was wondering why no one has bothered to try and make a mod that overhauls the Brotherhood of Steel's behavior in Fallout 4 to be more in line with other chapters of the Brotherhood of Steel. I know there are lore reasons behind this, but this is the same chapter that we fought alongside in Fallout 3 and every single member just suddenly accepted Maxon's edict of reject all Ghouls, mutants and impure humans? Doesn't sound logical to me. So, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to try and make a mod that alters voice lines and behavior of the Brotherhood so that they aren't so xenophobic. I'm fine with them being against the idea of Synths, but they go too far in their hatred of Deathclaws, Super Mutants and Ghouls even though there are clear examples of Deathclaws, Super Mutants and Ghouls that are friendly towards humans. Like Marcus, Goris, Hancock, among others. In the partially cannon, partially non-cannon Fallout Tactics, the Brotherhood was willing to take in mutants, Ghouls and even Deathclaws into their ranks, so they do have the potential to do so, so if someone wants to make the Brotherhood act more like their Midwestern counterparts, I am all for it.

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The BOS is borderline cultish, militaristic and hierarchical, meaning that the orders from the Elders have to be followed without question. After Lyons death Maxon quickly got rid of the humanitarian policies and returned to a strict isolationist policy. 

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The difference between the BoS of Fallout 4 and the Enclave is not all that large anymore.

Any hierarchical organization will  be just as good or evil as its leadership.

This is assuming we accept the tenets of Good and Evil being a thing.

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Because Fallout by Bethesda is not a serious narrative. The intelligent deathclaws are a joke, and the Brotherhood of Steel are just another post-nuclear clown. In the setting of post-apocalyptic chivalry, with all the middle-aged nonsense of the Crusades and pseudo-religious fanaticism. Along with Nuka Cola caps in the form of money. The cult of the nuclear bomb Children of Atom. They are no different from the biker gangs in Mad Max. All organizations in the Fallout world exist solely for the sake of entertaining the player, and not because they actually exist.

Edited by South8028
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A mod that seems to alter the BoS could be Project Valkyrie. It looks like it changes a lot and needs Outcasts and Remnants. So I would recommend to make a save and keep it before trying. You could then revert back if you don't like it.

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