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Script Crashing, but script isn't listed

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Hello, I've been playing modded oblivion again, but have been dealing with crashes now and then, but I don't know the direct cause of them and it's getting kind of annoying. I decided to use messagelogger, hoping that would give me an indication as to what the issues is...and well...now I'm even more confused

2025/03/05 23:14:36  [0041154A] [ DEBUG ]   SceneGraph 'World' Created. Camera name 'CreateNewCamera'.
2025/03/05 23:14:36  [0041154A] [ DEBUG ]   SceneGraph 'Menu' Created. Camera name 'CreateNewCamera'.
2025/03/05 23:14:36  [0041154A] [ DEBUG ]   SceneGraph '3DMenu' Created. Camera name 'CreateNewCamera'.
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -3, -3 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -3, -2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -3, -1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -3, 0 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -3, 1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -3, 2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -2, -3 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -2, -2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -2, -1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -2, 0 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -2, 1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -2, 2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -1, -3 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -1, -2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -1, -1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -1, 0 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -1, 1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for -1, 2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 0, -3 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 0, -2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 0, -1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 0, 0 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 0, 1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 0, 2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 1, -3 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 1, -2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 1, -1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 1, 0 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 1, 1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 1, 2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 2, -3 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 2, -2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 2, -1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 2, 0 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 2, 1 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:14:40  [004EB314] [ DEBUG ]   Found terrain LOD file for 2, 2 in worldspace 'Tamriel'
2025/03/05 23:15:02  [004F3313] [ DEBUG ]   Expression Error: SYNTAX
2025/03/05 23:15:02  [00516FA5] [WARNING]   Script '', line 3: failed to evaluate expression.
2025/03/05 23:15:03  [004F3313] [ DEBUG ]   Expression Error: SYNTAX
2025/03/05 23:15:03  [00516FA5] [WARNING]   Script '', line 10: failed to evaluate expression.
2025/03/05 23:15:49  [004F3313] [ DEBUG ]   Expression Error: SYNTAX
2025/03/05 23:15:49  [00516FA5] [WARNING]   Script '', line 3: failed to evaluate expression.
2025/03/05 23:16:27  [004F3313] [ DEBUG ]   Expression Error: SYNTAX
2025/03/05 23:16:27  [00516FA5] [WARNING]   Script '', line 9: failed to evaluate expression.

The script isn't even listed so I'm at a lost as to what to do next. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!


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Looks like you have a script that is corrupt or a script without a name. You should be able to see all scripts in the script editor in the CS. If you find a script without a name there, that's your suspect. You could also try looking at the ESP with xEdit (TES4Edit) and see if you can spot a script without a name. If you don't see one, you'll have to recompile all scripts and see if that helps. Not an easy bug to sort out, that's for sure.

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I was told once that MessageLogger hex numbers are rather type of bug ID and not reperesent forms. But script errors should be also shown in console too if OBSE is installed, along with script's formID. The highest byte (from left) of it is order number of affected mod, so 04 will mean fourth mod in load order. For searching I would rather use xEdit too, as it sorts records by formID, making it easier.

However MessageLogger shows runtime errors only, so affected script can look OK on the first glance when seeing it in xEdit or Construction Set. If you see no error there, I would rather dispose of that mod.

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2 hours ago, RomanR said:

For searching I would rather use xEdit too, as it sorts records by formID, making it easier.

You can sort records by form ID in the CS as well by clicking the heading of the form ID column. 🙂

But you are correct that hexadecimal IDs that we see in the log are not IDs of records but rather error codes of MessageLogger itself. Note: [004F3313] = [ DEBUG ] and [00516FA5] = [WARNING].

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47 minutes ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

You can sort records by form ID in the CS as well by clicking the heading of the form ID column. 🙂

That's EditorID 🙂. FormID is its hex representation number which you get while hovering mouse pointer ovet it for a while in CS. Edit: At least in vanilla CS.

Edited by RomanR
some note added
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1 hour ago, RomanR said:

That's EditorID 🙂. FormID is its hex representation number which you get while hovering mouse pointer ovet it for a while in CS. Edit: At least in vanilla CS.

No, I'm talking about the Form ID column displayed right after the Editor ID column. No need to hover. If that column is closed in your view, you can open it by dragging the column divider after the Editor ID.

Read about it on the Wiki: https://cs.uesp.net/wiki/FormID


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@LenaWolfBravil : Ah, this ... Yes, you are right. It's just on my computer is this column deflated by default, so it didn't occured to me. For this case I would still recommend xEdit more, as it shows its tree mod order based and defined records are in their separated branches.

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No, it was only an example how to understand what this first byte from the left represent in formID hex number.  OBSE when installed will print script errors into Oblivion console, so if Oblivion isn't crashing rignt on start, check console periodicaly by pressing ~. 

Edited by RomanR
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