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New UI bad! Old UI good!


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Was gonna throw this in General, but decided to put it here to be safe.

Evoking Animal Farm's "Four legs good! Two legs bad!" chant because the new Nexus UI is absolute garbage, and I hate it. Did they seriously think they would get 0 pushback on such an obviously terrible design? I could go on, repeating everything already said about that dumpster fire, but that would be a waste of time. We all know why it's awful. Instead, I submit that all in agreement just copy-paste the thread title in response to create a chant. Maybe they'll do something about it, maybe they won't, I dunno. But I'm pissed off, and I wanna b&@*$ about it. If you don't agree, well... I dunno... go do something else, like suck a lemon, or something.

So yeah:

New UI bad! Old UI good!

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for me is worse beacuse lacks of some features like look the mods via a range of dates, the left part is for me complety useless since before was hide and you can unhide it if you want a better search, it take more space in the screen in my screen... etc etc i really i don't understand why pushing foward this ui. the main problem i have now before i can delete /games/ in the link and it become the older ui but now it doesn't work now

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What I dislike is the new search features. I go to the SSE page to look up a mod, but I have to select the "Mods" tab in the search bar, or I will be shown everything on the site related to my search. I know this complaint is something minor for most people, but as someone who has ADHD (I was actually diagnosed as a child and am not using it in a metaphorical sense) and gets mixed up easily because of it, this is a real annoyance.

I don't know who thought that was a good idea, but it wasn't. They really made a hames of it.

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That's already planned to be changed.  The default search type will be selectable in your site settings.

But, really, for people so focused on UI is it that hard to find the proper thread in the "site updates" forum?  There's so many of these randomly started threads they're never going to be able to collate all the feedback.

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