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How to reduce/remove visual effects w/o removing enchantment


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Is there a way to reduce, remove, or change the visual effects of a weapon in SSEdit? Without removing the enchantment, of course. My current bow makes my screenshots a bit blurry. Unenchanted bows are fine.

What does the FX persistent flag mean? Is it for the enchantment or the visual effect?

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1. More Informative Console

2. Drop your weapon on the ground, open console, click on the weapon.

3. To select a specific category in the info panel, hover mouse pointer over it and press Shift.

4. Go Enchantment - Magic Effects - {Effect Name} - Write down Editor ID and Base form ID. - Form location information - Write Down 'Base last modified by' plugin name.
    As in this case, it is dunSilentMoonsEnchFFContact, 0003B0B1, and last mod to change it is 'Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp'

5. Open up Creation Kit.  In File - Data, locate the plugin that last changes the effect, check it.  Do not select an Active plugin.  Click OK.

6. In Object window, under Magic - Magic Effect - look for the effect in question, open it up.   Look for 'Enchant Shader'  entry in the middle section.   Set it to 'None', click OK to close.

7. File - Save - give it a name.  I.e. 'noenchanteffect.esp'.

8. I use Vortex.   Not sure how it is for MO2.    But  in Vortex plugins section, there will now be the new plugin you created, disabled.   Enable it.   Might as well also click 'Mark as Light'.

The enchantment will no longer impart a visible effect on the weapon.

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