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My final uploads.

I’ve just finished uploading all my unfinished mods. Some are rough around the edges, some incomplete — but maybe they’ll inspire someone, or simply find a home on someone’s load order.

I want to say thank you to everyone who supported my mods over the years. Thanks to all of you, I will be making an extra meaningful donation to my local cat shelter this year — something that means a lot to me.

I’m stepping away from modding now, but I hope some of the things I made brought a little joy to someone out there. And who knows, maybe I'll come back some day.

Stay curious, keep building, and take care of each other.


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Hey Niston your curiosity and innovation will be missed.

Thanks for all you brought to us and good luck with your onward ventures.

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I am saddened when a gifted modder such as yourself decides to retire.  Nonetheless, I understand, and as the navy is fond of saying, "Fair winds and following seas."  Not only are you a gifted modder but you share your knowledge with others.  Personally, I want to say thank you for all the help you have provided here on the forums.    I have learned a lot from you and that my friend is truly appreciated.  If you every get bored and want to exercise those creative writing skills, the community can always use more tutorials.

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Sorry to hear you won't be modding anymore. I hope you come back someday. I remember when I uploaded my first mod here and you were the first one who commented on it and endorsed it.

Thanks for all the great mods you made.

Best wishes from your favorite squirrel!

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