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morrowind load error


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Stupidly unclear when trying to find their drivers and a pretty cryptic system for finding the right one in the list. Talk about poor design...


Anyways, that appears to be the latest Windows XP driver for the G400.


There are other drivers in the list here for other OSes:



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That's odd. I just tried it and it worked fine. Not sure what to do about that... sorry :/ might be your firewall blocking the download for some reason.
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Quick question if your useing a plug-in or mod with this undo it this happened to me once and I unchecked the mod and it worked why don't you try.
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it's not a mod, i'm sure. for some reason the proxy doesn't like me downloading some things. i got it off another computer and it didn't fix my problem. i'm sure it's to do with the fact that theres no resoulution sizes in my menu where there should by 5 sizes. also my CS doesn't work, it's the same error.
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