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AMERICA-The World's Unofficial Police


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Here are some links - you are, of course, free to dismiss the accumulated data, stick your head in the sand.. and go live on top of a hill, just in case.

Well, come and join me on "top of a hill", where you'll read Peregrine's arguments and maybe even try to counter them.

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Peregrine has not presented any arguments - he has just bragged about the size of the American military (in the same way a nine-year-old might brag about his Pokemon cards 'we've got the USS 'Charizard' therefore we pwn j00 n00bs!!') with little regard to economic or political reality. When Peregrine decides to leave Pokemon-reality and join us in the real world, then perhaps his 'arguments' merit a response.


You have not presented any arguments either, draighox - your contribution so far has consisted of nothing but your usual uninformed uncritical fanboi-ism.

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To get this topic going on again: Some new stuff to discuss about, concerning this topic:




Italy has issued arrest warrants against 13 CIA operatives who seem to have kidnapped Osama Nasr Mostafa Hassan out of Milan without informing the Italian government. The warrant is in effect in the whole of Europe.


Personally, I believe the Italian government has acted correctly. The USA have definetly overstepped their bounds in their attempt to play "World Polic" and it is only right that someone tells them where those boundaries are. Hopefully, others will follow Italy's example and hopefully the US-government will realize some of the errors of its ways.

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Accountability in the US Goverment ?! Har-Har.


We've come along way since "the bucks stop here."


And as for the US being the major military power on the planet, I do believe that is true, from a certain point of view. We certainly have all kinds of gadgets and do-dads that could assure swift results in killing people (it's what the 20th century is known for perfecting) but the sheer fact is we have a voluntary army in the US because it's a better trained army than one based on the draft. With the draft we'd pull in everyone, qualified or not, and have less to teach them with. That's why people spend so much money to send their children to private schools, as opposed to public ones. Individual attention and instruction.


We can blitzkrieg fine and dandy all-right, but it's these police-actions that really show the flaws in our system. We can't put up the numbers for a prolonged conflict, especially when there is relativly low-chance of it directly effecting Mayberry, NC. Which is why I do not believe the draft will be returning to the US anytime soon, unless something incredible happens. Your average voter will not send junior off to the middle-east -especially- if they don't see the point. You have a hard enough time dealing with these idiots who think their children are utterly precious in retail stores.


But.. I could be wrong.

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Our dollar is shrinking in value due to the conflict in Iraq. I belive we failed our mission. Bush wanted to get in and out in a couple days. They declared victory. But we havnt won. "Terrorist" see our invasion as a christan crusade aganst muslims. They see us as the Nazi regime, growing with power with each country we take over and establish bases in. They learned from the mistakes of europeon countrys that did nothing and tryed to apease the nazis before falling to them. These "terrorist" now belive that they must make Iraq a strong point aganst us in order to prevent us from spreading. The sad thing is thier not half wrong. Would we not take the same action if our goverment fell to a forgein super power? I would certainly take up arms aganst russian invaders or chinese whatever. Even our own people dont approve of our invasion in Iraq, so how should they feel? America tryed to do whatever we wanted, thinking we are unstoppable, and we ended up in a death trap.


After Vietnam, our goverment learned a valuable lesson in controlling national moral, control the media. The media now supports our goverment nomatter what. Remeber those "war on terror" head lines? ya unbiased my ass. (to make me even sicker I saw "war on gangs" head line the other day addressing american crime, are we next?) The fact is Iraq is veitnam all over, perhaps we are doing a bit better for the most part due to lessons learned but the war as a whole is the same old mistake.


America cant do whatever we want, but we sure as hell try.

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Since you had mentioned nukes, I think it a very good idea for America to take everyone elses. In 1996 the U.S. alone had enough nuclear power to destroy the world six times over. We now have more nukes and just imagine them going off with everybody elses. So we're doing the world a favor by sticking our noses in everyone elses business.



We Americans brag because we can and there is nothing you can do about

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Those Americans who do brag - and not all of them do - are those with the fundamental inferiority complex the US has had towards the old world for a long time. Henry James, an American, wrote about it at the turn of the nineteenth century and it hasn't changed. I can't say I understand it but it's there right enough.
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These "terrorist" now belive that they must make Iraq a strong point aganst us in order to prevent us from spreading. The sad thing is thier not half wrong. Would we not take the same action if our goverment fell to a forgein super power?

I would. I would if my government, which I support, fell to a foreign power, which wanted to occupy my country. But would I take the same action if my slaver government fell to a foreign power, which later gave my country back to my people and even stayed to protect it from the same slavers? I don't think so.

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