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I am not really well-qualified to answer, but nobody else has answered you. I believe NifSkope does that. It is rather a pain expanding all the directory trees to get as deep as you need to go though.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I used some strange utility for that before, I know what you mean. I just don't have it anymore.

Lol, I could probably use it in the future. Please tell tomorrow :).

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Yes! I'm interested in this too! I cant get my mesh and my textures work together!

I have a basement but only the NIF-mesh is showing, while the textures isn't there!

I hate purple in Oblivion! :P

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Texture Replacer shows what textures a particular mesh uses and its partial filepath (e.g texture/armor/...)


Another solution is if you are in My Computer or its equivilent, you can right click in the address bar and select Copy Address as Text. So if you can find the texture in My Computer you can get the file path quite easily with that

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version 1.0 1.5 BETA



This is an early version , initially tweaked to suit my need so don't expect too much from it.


How it's used :


First you'll have to type the path to folder that contains the nif that you want to work with.


Second : type the path to the folder where you want the textures to be exported.

Default is the program current directory


Third : type(copy/paste works too ) the path to the folder that contains the textures

E.g : E:\Games\Oblivion\Data\

"textures\" will be added by NTE -

Adding E:\Games\Oblivion\Data\textures\ will make NTE look in

E:\Games\Oblivion\Data\textures\textures\ for textures


Fourth : Select the number of texture paths to look for in the nif(default is 5)


Your job is DONE.


NTE will now search all the nif files in the picked folder , and search inside them for the texture paths.


note : NTE will only detect textures\folder 1\folder 2\folder 3\....\folder n\*03.dds

if the Textures\ is missing inside the nif the texture path will not be detected.


Search done.


An array containing the textures paths will be shown

Folders with the names of the nif files scanned will be created and the available textures will be copied in their own folder.

An Exported.txt file will be created containing the paths to the available textures.


Additional notes :


When copy/pasting or writing the path , don't forget to close it with a "\"


like : E:\Games\Oblivion\Data\NIFFOLDER\















Well that's it for the moment.

Waiting for your opinions , ideas.

If it's too complicated I probably won't do it. (such as a GUI )




Alex Valentine

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Ah, on an early notice :P. Lol, why is your first post reported?


Ow you made it yourself! I though you used another one, cool.

When can we see it first results :)?

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