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New to Oblivion Modding!


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Hey there everyone!


I'm new to Oblivion modding and was just looking for some opinions on what some of the best mods are out there. I've come to the forums in hopes that I could get a list of what some of the veteran Oblivion modders out there think are the best/essential mods.


I'm mainly looking for graphical mods (throw whatever you got into this one no matter what the gpu intensity is, I have two 660 Ti's in SLI so I can run quite a bit ;P)


I'm not new to modding though so there's no need for tutorials on how to mod games (Unless modding Oblivion is drastically different then Skyrim :P) My current Skyrim play-through has 211 .esps and I have still yet to crash. (knock on wood lol)


Heres a few screens of what my current play-though looks like with the mods I'm using. :)























Hope you liked those and thanks in advance for your help!

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You know man , I'm exactly looking for what you want.


I posted a thread but there's no suggestion at all.


I found this post:




the problem is , they're lots of mods you need to download , but the pictures are outdated , so if you download the mods and the final look is not what you've expected , then you'll waste more time trying to uninstall them.

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Why not look through the top lists? These are the most popular mods based on downloads and endorsements.


On the Oblivion home page look for a Files tab at the top do NOT click, hover your mouse pointer over it - you will get a drop down menu

Click on Top Files from that list. You can even filter the lists based on several criteria.

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I don't pretend to be harsh, just helpful:


the reason why most of us have stopped to reply in these "Best Mods Recommendations" is because the concept of "Best Mod" is quite personal and mods we think are the Best, very well could be just crap for others. And these posts pop up so often that some have ended feeling tired of saying the same things once and again.


And there are many tools (as bben46 points out) to find what best suits our tastes.


So please don't take as a personal disregard if you open one of such threads and nobody answers.


I personally recommend the recent Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 by Nuska. But it's delicate and doesn't go well with any other mods that change vanilla Race and NPC assets (and is thoroughly incompatible with any other cosmetic or beautification mod).


And setting it up can be really tricky if you don't know what you're doing.



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In support of Ike's point ... just did a search on the Oblivion forums using "best graphics mods" (advanced search, accessed from the little flower shaped icon to the far right of the search bar, found just below where it reports how many in chat in red at the top of the forums screen). Fourteen pages of hits. Sure there will be some with limited relevance but I'm certain that list could be tightened up with better search terms.


In any case here's my standard answer: Noob up and running

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Thank you all for your opinions so far. I am sure you all are probably sick of answering this question so if you could direct to a thread that does kind of answer my question I'd appreciate it. Also I'm also open to all kinds of mods, so just let me know what your opinions are! Oh and also I know how to look for the most popular mods, the problem is I don't know how they play out and I'm looking for your opinions on what you all think work the best. Thanks again for all your help!
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