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wants to make black mage robes

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hi ive always been interested in moding a video game but never really thought about making my own, i have a skills in photoshop for sure but anything else would be new to me, i dont know what programs i would need for my mission or anything so could you guys give me a list of any of them?


what i want to do is to make some black mage clothes from the original final fantasy and put them into oblvion as "robes" and then i would make the hat as a "hood"



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Mission ? May be you mean modding ?


First you need TES Construction Set : http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_utilities.htm


Then any modelling programs, the free and easy one is Blender : www.blender.org/


Then any texturing programs, since you got photoshop skills. You want to use Photoshop. But to make it to work with the game texture files, you need a DDS plugin : http://developer.nvidia.com/object/photosh...ds_plugins.html


The first step is to creating your mesh using Blender, but I can't help you with this. I'm not expert at modelling, then you need to texture it.


You might find the tutorials useful, sorry but I don't know where to find it. Wait for someone to reply to your topic again, hopes that helps.

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