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Gerald's Stronghold of Death


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Okay I have gotten the basic's done on my quest mod.


I am looking for help in improving the mod even more.


Basicly i am looking for someone to take my mod and look it over and help me make changes and also help with the quest that it is sapose to add to the game.


I have added in the dialoges and such but cannot get them to function and add the quest to the jurnal or even apear when i test it when you talk to any NPC in Balmora. I have seperate dialogs for female and male NPC but the main starter is Latest Rummor where it is sapose to trigger the quest but I have yet to figuire out what I am not doing and or what i need to do to cause it to trigger and have the quest begin and so forth.


I am also looking for a few that is willing to retexture and help with adding in new items that are not in game like new weapons and armor cloths potions spells and so forth to the game.


Once the quest and everything is completed i will be converting the ESP file to a ESM file with my programing software that I have.


I can only do basic restructers since I am no Graphic artist and I am only running 3ds Max 5 with the NIF exporter/importer plugins that can be foudn on the elderscrolls website.


I am looking for someone basicly to help with:

1.) Retexturing

2.) New models

3.) New NPC's

4.) improving on the plot of the quest.

5.) Misc changes and addons

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I am still looking for a group of people who is willing to help me work on this quest mod that i am creating right now i am still in the Alpha stage of the mod.


I am looking for a few people who know how to retexture and know how to create NIF files and help with expanding this mod even further and adding more to the story line as well instead of as of right now go to so and so town speak with so and so and they tell you about so and so place and you go to so and so place and kill so and so and then go back and so and so rewards you and bingo you ahve a new base of operations and so forth.



What i am looking for is creating more creature and so forth and may be adding in a new race or two that is none playable. (which requires a few artist)



Adding in new creature that is specificly just for the area itself IE the Boss of the castle and so forth.



Expanding the land making the Island larger and maybe adding in a new region specifly atuned to the land maybe a wsateland or something to that affect.



Adding in new weapons and armor that can only be aquired from defeating the boss of the stronghold and so forth and or only aquired from completeing teh quest as a reward.



Adding in more the the stronghold making it larger and run deeper makign it masssive and basicly you can get lost in it and so forth.



creativity in the making of the mod IE making teh mod not just another hack hack slash slash and bang your done mode.


adding in scripts that will affects the player while teh quest is in affect liek a reason to complete the quest liek getting cursed in some way and the only way to lift the curse is to complete the quest and bring back a item to show tha you completed the quest and the curse be lifted and so forth.


But that will require someone who is good at scrpting which i am completely dumbfounded about.


And many other things that whoever helps take on this mod wants to add to add to the exp of the mod.



But basicly ia m trying to say is that i want to create a mod tha is not based off anything already done to have its own thing basicly and to improve and take advantage to the Morrowinds engine.

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mainly i am looking for help ing writting the scrpit that will give you the option to start the quest and so forth as well because i am horrable with scripting and the only scripts i can do are the simple ones tha all i ahve to do is cut and paste like the teleport script you can place on ring and such that i just copied and pasted when making my teleport rings.
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