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Fame and Infamy


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Hey everyone.


I was just wondering what is the best order in which to clear my infamy using the pilgrimage from Knights of the nine. I have two ways in mind and not sure which is best. Either to do the dark brotherhood and thieves guild first then clear my infamy and go on to fame gaining quests/quest lines or to do all the fame gaining quests/quest lines first then do the dark brotherhood and thieves guild and then clear my infamy. Seems like a silly question I know as the end result is most likely the same but i'm unsure as I know infamy can really affect disposition towards you and I wouldn't want a load of people being mad at me for doing the evil quest lines and then doing the good quest lines. When the infamy is cleared I assume that removes negative affects on disposition towards your character?


Thanks :)

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What kind of day to day character are you? Do you have trouble walking past that shiny bauble while keeping your hands in your pockets? If you're finding yourself on the wrong side of the law fairly often then it becomes a moot point which you do first. The persuasion mini-game will allow you to regain any disposition deficits.


My new guy got into the Dark Brotherhood via some "co-lateral damage" while saving Dar-Ma. He hasn't joined the Thieve's Guild (and finally completed the main quest) but he has plenty of infamy points to counter those MQ fame points. Dark Elves don't start out with very high personality and I've only been spending level up bonus points on personality the last few level ups. Except with the few NPCs I've boosted with the persuasion mini-game (some key guards to clear any small bounties for example, along with merchants of course) most NPCs don't have real high disposition towards him (well until he went and saved the world anyway). Doesn't make much difference ... most NPCs aggression is so low you can't goad them into a fight via low disposition anyways.


Play it how ever you like ... chances are no matter how you play the game you'll have more than one point of infamy to clear via the pilgrimage before you can start KotN.

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My character is a dark elf warrior but I use the Oblivion XP mod so I can be a jack of all trades with that mod I think. I want to do every single quest and quest line on this play through. I haven't committed any crimes yet (although I have 20+ assaults and over 300 items stolen according to the character records which is completely wrong haha) I think what I will do is all the fame gaining stuff first and then the infamy quest lines and then i'll do the pilgrimage last to wipe the infamy after I've done everything else. I'm not questing until level 30+ anyway so I get the best rewards.


Yeah that is very true I can just use the mini game and bribe people into liking me haha so i'll do that then thanks for the quick reply!

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You get the "assaults" when you make a preemptive attack on a bad guy (bandit marauder etc). I get them all the time too. If you wait to attack until they pull out their weapon you'll avoid the "assault creep" on that stat.

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