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XBox 360, Playstation 3, Revolution?


Which do you think you'll choose?  

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  1. 1. Which do you think you'll choose?

    • XBox 360
    • Playstation 3
    • Revolution

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

just watched the sony new conference at the pre-E3 show and Im sorry, call me a fanboy if you like, but PS3 is going to wipe the floor. The XBOX 360 has been out for a while and to me has shown nothing in comparison to what the PS3 has shown.


Grpahics are far more superior, character animation looks sweet and there are some new and original titles which will get our juices flowing. One of the games which caught my eye was 8days, this was actual gameplay and it looks awesome, a great car chase which looked pre-rendered, some great particle effects, you have to check it out.


Kaz said that PS£ has not been built on gimmicks, making a cheeky stab at its competitors, it showed what its online community can do, though they only showed a small part, its possibilies are massive. The example showin was how the online enviroment can seemlessly integrate into singstar. Allowing useres to but new HD tracks and to be saved directly onto the HDD. The way the browser operated reminded me of iTunes and a new version of media center, pretty cool.


The biggest surprise was left till last and that was the controller, Ken Kutaragi came on stage saying that there was one more surprise and that was the controller. He took the controller saying that this is the new PS3 controller (it looks just the same as the PS2 controller) there was kind of a mixed reaction, kind of a we knew you would never of kept the bommerang version. Then they showed what it can do that makes it so different. It does what nintendo has using as its main selling point, the controller movement is translated to the screen, they said it has "6degress movement" (pitch, yaw, roll). A demo of warhawk was showing with the new controller and it rocked! I like that this has been kept secret as this will seriouly pee off Nintendo whose hype i'd say has been built around their, i'll call it, Kinetic controller.


The pricing structure was announced, there will be a two tier structure, 20GB HDD and 60GB HDD versions, both priced at €399 and €499 respectivly.


there was so much more and i would seriously have a look at uk.gamespot. I dont know about you guys but i cant wait!



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PS3 has a kinetic controller? Seriously? Not sure I like the sound of that so much... a controller you have to swing around? Sounds like an excellent way to get RSI. :P Keeping the original controller design isn't much of a surprise, it's tried and tested. Better than that boomerang one anyway. Another blow against Nintendo. They're starting to look seriously outmatched...
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PS3 has a kinetic controller? Seriously? Not sure I like the sound of that so much... a controller you have to swing around? Sounds like an excellent way to get RSI. :P Keeping the original controller design isn't much of a surprise, it's tried and tested. Better than that boomerang one anyway. Another blow against Nintendo. They're starting to look seriously outmatched...


Its not like the Nintendo where the ads show some indiot jumping around like a fool, and i cant see all games adopting it, but for somethig like warhawk where you are able to glide your plane with subtle movements, are i could see used in socom to lean round corners, its subtle and its cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The unveiling of the PS3 at E3 did nothing more than show off how much farther behind Sony is in game innovation than BOTH Nintendo and Microsoft. First of all, their visual technology doesn't even support HDTV, they opted for the overwhelmingly more expensive and undeveloped Blue-Ray technology. I'm sorry Sony, there's not a chance I'm forking over 600 bucks for a technology that isn't already a staple on for TV's when I could have BOTH the Wii and 360 for the same pricetag.


I'm fed up with the kids game argument against the Wii; Nintendo impresses me the most in terms of actaul console DEVELOPMENT and proved their willingness to retail mature titles with Resident Evil 4. Coming out with a new controller that simplifies gameplay with the potential to make ANY game for the system extremely interactive and intuitive is worth jumping around for; what you do IRL is relfected in the gaming world. Western shooters anyone? Think of what swprdplay in Oblivion would be like? or spellcasting? or making potions? Sony is stuck on the success of the PS2; backwards compatability doesn't mean anything when it's a 600 dollar pricetag to play all my old games and fork 60 bucks over for a new one that plays like something completely familiar.


Microsoft lost BILLIONS over the first Xbox; the console cost more to produce than it was selling for in stores. Now that Microsoft has solved the problem, in addition to the incredibly intuitive Xbox Live component, and you have an amazing package. Also consider that with Xbox Live Arcade, the success of less demanding arcade games gives smaller Independent developers a shot at producing content to be solicited to a large audience.


Sony plans on charging 20,000 bucks for a licence to develop on their platform, while Nintendo solicits its licence for only 2,000 on the Wii. As a smaller developer, which system are you likely to develop for on a budget? This is a suprising and welcome move by Nintendo; I wouldn't be suprised if they monopolized a small Indie Gaming market by having dirt cheap development licences. Companies could produce content at great rates and introduce products into a highly competitive market.


If I plans to buy next gen consoles I'd do it in the following order:


1) Nintento Wii

2) Xbox 360

3) PS3 (of course, for the same price, I could get both the Wii and 360)


Another blow against Nintendo


Why then did the PS3 flop all over itself at E3 while the Wii enjoyed throngs of people waiting for hours in line just to get a glimpse?


Wii @ E3


Again Being Extremely Successful

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According to what some people are saying the Wii wasn't even at E3. It was just a bunch of GameCubes, there are pictures. That could just be a load of rubbish, of course, but I could almost believe it with those somewhat last-gen graphics. I don't know, I just wasn't too impressed.


In what way was the PS3 flopping all over itself? It was impressive/surprising just how popular the Wii booth was though. Maybe it won't completely kill Nintendo after all?

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The unveiling of the PS3 at E3 did nothing more than show off how much farther behind Sony is in game innovation than BOTH Nintendo and Microsoft. First of all, their visual technology doesn't even support HDTV


Where do u get this from?


I'm fed up with the kids game argument against the Wii; Nintendo impresses me the most in terms of actaul console DEVELOPMENT and proved their willingness to retail mature titles with Resident Evil 4.


Comon man, you have got to admit that nintendo does have this cute fuzzy kiddy thing going on, with its endless number of bright coloured mario games. yes some of these games are cool and yes ninty has some mature titles but it still cant shake that image


coming out with a new controller that simplifies gameplay with the potential to make ANY game for the system extremely interactive and intuitive is worth jumping around for; what you do IRL is relfected in the gaming world. Western shooters anyone? Think of what swprdplay in Oblivion would be like? or spellcasting? or making potions?


Yeah a new controller its cool its new and i like what you can do with it, my problem is that on the morning after the night before, i dont really want to be jumping around my cold half eaten kebab trying to chop someone up with my imaginary sword. Its ok to use your thumbs to play games ;)


Sony is stuck on the success of the PS2; backwards compatability doesn't mean anything when it's a 600 dollar pricetag to play all my old games and fork 60 bucks over for a new one that plays like something completely familiar.


backwards compatability isnt what its all about if anything IMHO its system developers giivng more depth to there systems. YOu still have to pay for games on the Wii, yes the system costs less, but this whole virtual console is just spin on an old idea. COrrect me if im wrong but didnt the japanesse version of the dreamcast boast such a feature, nothing new really.


Sony plans on charging 20,000 bucks for a licence to develop on their platform, while Nintendo solicits its licence for only 2,000 on the Wii. As a smaller developer, which system are you likely to develop for on a budget?


guess that just depends on your audience and what you want to achieve, i really dont think a desgner, an artist, is going to think wait minute instead of making that epic roleplaying game, lest just make a new mario game but this time hes in an underwater land, we'll call it Mario: Watersports, thats not really an issue.


This whole thing about who won E3 is like who cares it means nothing, who is going to win the world cup is something that matters. i would've queued for the wii, its new, it means nothing


sorry for post just sick of hearing bout wii wii

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Microsoft lost BILLIONS over the first Xbox; the console cost more to produce than it was selling for in stores. Now that Microsoft has solved the problem, in addition to the incredibly intuitive Xbox Live component, and you have an amazing package. Also consider that with Xbox Live Arcade, the success of less demanding arcade games gives smaller Independent developers a shot at producing content to be solicited to a large audience.


Which was actually a pretty good business strategy. When Microsoft released the Xbox, they were in the position of zero market share, but an unbelievably vast amount of money to spend on the project. By selling at a loss, they cut the prices and got people to buy the Xbox and build loyalty to their brand. Even if they didn't make it all back on game license fees, Microsoft could easily absorb the loss as an investment in the future.


Now fast forward a few years to the post-Halo modern world. Now Microsoft has a decent market share and can start looking to take advantage of it with the Xbox 360. I'd say the plan worked.




The huge problem with Sony and the PS3 is the absurd cost of the system. By pricing it so high, they're throwing away the casual gamer market. The casual gamers will buy a Wii, or just one of the previous-generation consoles. Meanwhile the serious gamers will pay just a little more for computer upgrades to match the performance. And it only gets worse once you realize you can't get those stunning graphics without a $2000 HDTV, and you just got a nice style over substance console.


And just to finish the disaster for Sony, they've been completely owned by Microsoft on the release date. The Xbox 360 is out and making money and market share, while the PS3 is only an empty promise so far. I have a really hard time believing that possible prettier graphics will be enough to make up for being released so much later.



As for the Wii issue... my anti-console bias is pretty well known, I just don't like them very much. So I'm a bit skeptical of the concept. I think the lack of precision is really going to hurt the console... I personally wouldn't want to use one outside of a few specially-designed games maybe. I guess only the success once it's out will tell if the controller is a true innovation, or just a marketing gimmick that fades away after a month or two.


On the other hand, it looks like it has nice potential for the casual market or as a second system. The low price is definitely an appealing factor, especially if it comes with the promised access to classic games.

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The huge problem with Sony and the PS3 is the absurd cost of the system. By pricing it so high, they're throwing away the casual gamer market. The casual gamers will buy a Wii, or just one of the previous-generation consoles. Meanwhile the serious gamers will pay just a little more for computer upgrades to match the performance. And it only gets worse once you realize you can't get those stunning graphics without a $2000 HDTV, and you just got a nice style over substance console.


I think SOny need to get the message across that the console is more than and a console, they need to be able to translate to the masses it will allow for the system to be like a media centre PC in the living room and that by using the blu-ray there are going to have a modern future proof HD player in there living room. Yes i know not everyone has a HD TV but I know i didint have a SCART plug on my TV to use my PS2 DVD player and ont think that is the issue. If sony can get that message across and justify the cost, IMHO is a bargain, then were on to a winner. The iPod is an example of how well this can work, the iPod is a piece of rubbish that gives no freedom of use, has crp headphones and does nothing but play MP3s and ipods cost upto £200, why dont people just buy something cheaper?


I know SOny has cocked up with E3 and it wasnt because of Wii, there press conference was boring though it was a more revealing than the others in letting us know what were in for. Microsoft will be stronger but i dont think they will be the market leader.

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