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Black sky using shader package 19


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I'm at my whits end trying to figure out this issue dealing with my sky in oblivion.


With HDR off the sky appears to be black whether inside a city or outside a city.


With HDR on the issue goes away but I can't use anti aliasing and forcing AA in Nvidia control panel doesn't seem to do anything Except for FXAA which actually causes more problems than fixes.


I want to use the more up to date shader package, the game actually seems to run better with it on, and I want to use AA as well because Jaggies drive me crazy.


Any help would be appreciated.

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I had something similar after my SLI rig died. I put in a replacement card I had kicking around and got black skies. Then I remembered I'd used the instructions in Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide to force Shader Model 3.0 (which worked fine on my 8800GTS SLI). After a bit of investigating I saw that the 9800GT replacement would also support Shader Model 3.0 so I just needed to redo the steps for getting SM 3.0 to work. You'll find the instructions on page 8 of the guide (which I've quoted here):

bAllow30Shaders=0 - If set to 1, this option allows (but does not force) the use of Shader Model 3.0 on graphics cards which support it, namely Nvidia GeForce 6600 or newer, or ATI X1000 series or newer. This can potentially improve performance when using HDR rendering for example. Check your RendererInfo.txt file in your \Documents and Settings\User\Documents\My Games\Oblivion directory to see if your card supports SM3.0 next to the option '3.0 Shaders'. Note however that even by enabling this option, Oblivion still appears to use 2.0 shaders (check the 'PSTarget' and 'VSTarget' lines in Rendererinfo.txt). In any case, if you have one of the cards mentioned above, it cannot hurt to enable this option.

Update: To force the actual use of 3.0 Shaders after making the above change, you will also need to check your RenderInfo.txt file (see above), and on the last line of the file check which shader package it uses (e.g. Shader Package : 13). Then go to the \Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Shaders\ folder and rename that particular package to something else (e.g. rename shaderpackage013.sdp to shaderpackage013._bak. Now copy shaderpackage019.sdp and paste it back into the same directory, and rename this new copy to the package name your card uses (e.g. rename it to shaderpackage013.sdp in this example). This will force Oblivion to use the Shader Model 3.0 shaders in the game, which may increase (or reduce) performance and typically shows no image quality difference.

It was the RenderInfo.txt and rename steps I needed to redo. Backup your current in use shader package and try Koroush's instructions and see if it helps.

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You can force AA settings through an nVidia card with an application called nVidia Inspector. The important setting which makes it work is "antialiasing compatibility" which you need to set to 0x20410041.



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Doesn't seem to work depsite that hex code.


Furthermore, I can live with shaderpackage 4 as long as I can figure out what causes massive FPS drops whenever I'm around any actor.


For those who are curious I have a 2.66-2.67 Ghz Core 2 quad q9400


Skyrim runs flawlessly, for some odd reason oblivion kicks it's butt.

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That's not a bad frame rate if that's as low as it goes. This isn't an online first person shooter where the guy with the best FPS wins.

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That's not a bad frame rate if that's as low as it goes. This isn't an online first person shooter where the guy with the best FPS wins.


I saw you mentioned that in one of the other posts.


But the fact of the matter is I like having a steady framerate, when my game begins to fluctuate it makes my anal retentiveness go off crazily.


I guess I'll just deal with it for now, but ehh..

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