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Pay Equity, The other "women's Issue"


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It would seem people being paid equally in the work place shouldn't be such a controversial issue when it comes to people doing the same job. It has been discovered as of recently, men in the work place make 23 cent more to the Dollar than a woman does on average doing the same job.


In 2012 the Republican's in the senate blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act, A bill that would have ensured women are paid the same amount as their male counterparts.


Ironic when Rand Paul was asked about "women's issues" on "Meet The Press" he felt that the "war on women" was already won because every female in his family is doing great in the work place. totally avoiding the fact that the issue wasn't about opportunity women have but the issue women face being paid equally. Even during the "State of the union address" 'Republican Response' Cathy McMorris Rodgers side stepped this issue and brought back the 'opportunity' argument as if totally ignoring the message Obama made about equity equality in the work place for women...


The question is should women be paid the same amount as men in the work place doing the same job?


Further more, explain why or why not....


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Wasn't a topic just like this locked at your request a few hours ago? Sorry but going back to the same topic with the same people around just seems strange to me.


Pay Equity is not the same thing as income inequality....


Income inequality

- Economic inequality is the difference between individuals or populations in the distribution of their assets, wealth, or income.

Pay Equity
- Equal pay for women is an issue regarding pay inequality between men and women.


If there is a gender gap then you can't fix it unless you know what causes it. So what causes it?



According to "Newsweek," women earn just 77 cents for every dollar that a man earns, which can add up to a $500,000 difference in earnings over a lifetime. Looking beyond pay, women represent just 3% of Fortune 500 CEO's, and make up only a third of law firm partners. These gaps in pay and power continue despite the fact that women make up the majority of college and law school graduates.


If you ask me I think the cause is the threat to men, that giving the "opportunity" of equal pay for women will eventually take over the traditional thought of that a women should be the home caretakers. Breaking this stigma most likely will make men feel less masculine threatening to a trend where as women will more or less become more dominate in the work place leaving the man in a family to become equal to women as the home caretakers....


Why should gender even matter when paying people for doing the same job anyways?

Edited by colourwheel
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Why should gender even matter when paying people for doing the same job?

It shouldn't. That is why it is important to identify what causes this gap. If you don't understand why it exists it will be difficult to understand how to fix it.


Why do women accept lower paying jobs? Nobody is ever been forced to accept any job, ever. If someone offers me a lower wage than I am worth then I will not accept the job.

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It shouldn't. That is why it is important to identify what causes this gap. If you don't understand why it exists it will be difficult to understand how to fix it.


Why do women accept lower paying jobs? Nobody is ever been forced to accept any job, ever. If someone offers me a lower wage than I am worth then I will not accept the job.


The issue isn't about women accepting jobs at lower wages then they are worth. The issue is protecting women from being hired into a work place when it is found later they are making less than their male counter parts for doing the exact same jobs...

Edited by colourwheel
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TRoaches I think you ask a good question. I learned in my study of this matter the following.


Many women take time off to have children and many leave the workforce for a time. When they return often some time has passed and the opportunities and experience they would have gotten has been lost. This accounts for "some" of the lower pay (and arguing the entire maternity leave issue isn't relevant here) reason of the pay per dollar being less compared to men.

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Sorry if you missed my comment earlier I will repost because people posted while i was editing...


According to "Newsweek," women earn just 77 cents for every dollar that a man earns, which can add up to a $500,000 difference in earnings over a lifetime. Looking beyond pay, women represent just 3% of Fortune 500 CEO's, and make up only a third of law firm partners. These gaps in pay and power continue despite the fact that women make up the majority of college and law school graduates.
If you ask me I think the cause is the threat to men, that giving the "opportunity" of equal pay for women will eventually take over the traditional thought of that a women should be the home caretakers. Breaking this stigma most likely will make men feel less masculine threatening to a trend where as women will more or less become more dominate in the work place leaving the man in a family to become equal to women as the home caretakers....
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Well if you are saying it is because of a threat of the change of gender roles (and I don't maybe disagree with that) then I would love to see some studies on this. I know they are out there.

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