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Pay Equity, The other "women's Issue"


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Whether or not you believe what the employer did as being the "moral" thing to do for a man who put his time defending the country who lost one of his hands, seems more like the employer "pandering" to him

And you think he's oblivious to this, that he isn't constantly reminded of what he lost, what he cannot do, how people look at him as less of a person, feel sorry for him? No, he likely knows what things are, but also probably recognizes that this is a natural response and that his personal pride will just have to suck it up and deal with it. Meanwhile he is stuck with the same job, even if he may dislike it or the people he works with because he knows that it will be nearly impossible to find another. And he'll have to continue dealing with it until the day he dies or his obligations to those around him become quieter than raising his service pistol to his temple and pulling the trigger. Sorry, but you don't know a damn thing.


As for women getting special treatment, just consider how many single mothers out there who were kept on for as long as they could be, or had minor disciplinary/attendance issues overlooked just because their situation was known to coworkers. So don't even try to say that it doesn't happen. Sure, someone can always cry discrimination or reverse discrimination, but those people also tend to find their tires slashed, their food stolen, or just find it harder to be comfortable with their place in the world once word gets around.

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As for women getting special treatment, just consider how many single mothers out there who were kept on for as long as they could be, or had minor disciplinary/attendance issues overlooked just because their situation was known to coworkers.


This is no more different than single parent father out there and hardly amounts to justify why men should be paid more than women in the work force for doing the exact same job...


If you don't think women should be paid equally to men in the work force then lets just leave it as you just disagree with me since it seems this is going no where.

Edited by colourwheel
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I guess since anecdotes are being put out I have my own amputee tale. There's this girl who has no hand around here, I worked at the cannery she did for a while. She couldn't do the sorting with the other women because you need two hands so they put her on the machines and just found jobs for her that she could do with one hand. I see her working at the bank now, she stomps on my bank booklets with the stub of her missing hand then stamps them really deftly.


You guys are probably from America though, here in Australia women (and workers in general) get better treatment.

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As for women getting special treatment, just consider how many single mothers out there who were kept on for as long as they could be, or had minor disciplinary/attendance issues overlooked just because their situation was known to coworkers.


This is no more different than single parent father out there and hardly amounts to justify why men should be paid more than women in the work force for doing the exact same job...


If you don't think women should be paid equally to men in the work force then lets just leave it as you just disagree with me since it seems this is going no where.



You're completely missing the One Single fact that women are not paid less. They work less / work in lower paying jobs / positions (based on their own CHOICE) ergo earning less (not earning less per capita -- before dividing the sum earned/ number of workers -- but in Total) due to circumstances explained or theorized n times in previous posts.


There is no political/sexual agenda behind it.

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We have had Thomas Sowell come up in another thread. He really isn't considered much of anything anymore.


The issue IHOE comes when two candidates of equal training apply for the SAME job. In all they are equal except one is a woman. They have two jobs so they hire them both. The woman gets a considerable less starting salary.


Even I have provided some explanation as to one of the many reason women end up making less over the course of time. But why do they start less...still...I was hired in my insurance job with someone who had less education and no experience in that field. In fact had had more customer service experience. Yes I was eventually told I started 5,000/yr less. Hmmm...

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I think the world is a screwed up place that clings to the past more readily than it embraces the future. Many things that are wrong, have been wrong for a great many years and have become a fixture in our culture so much that they are automatically accepted en mass as the culture we live in.


I think there is always a need for progressive ideas to press the envelope just as much as there is a need to debate these ideas in an open, honest and mature way, in order for the greatest of these to be judged on their merit instead of them being popularized by one faction or there other. Society should always embrace what is best for those who fill it's ranks, no matter the race, creed, color, sex or sexual orientation, but the pace of this chance needs to be constant and measured so that the culture isn't overwhelmed by these changes.


I think the present political situation is the result of our culture being overwhelmed by progressive ideas, which the public is increasingly becoming concerned with. There is only so far the pendulum can swing to the left before it brings it's arduous trip back towards the realm of the right wing. It's interesting to note just how far it swings to the right after swinging so far to the left.


I think the world will always be wrong to some and right to others and it will continue to be so til we as human beings change or we wipe ourselves off the globe and leave nature in her slow steady way to clean up after us.

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Companies compete for the best employees. If a person is underpaid at their current job it should be an easy for a competing company to lure them away with a higher salary. The competitor will benefit doubly from this, because they gain a skilled and experienced worker and their competitor loses the same. More importantly, with regards to the thread topic, that employee will no longer be underpaid.


If a competing company is NOT interested in luring that person away with a pay increase then it is because that person is not as skilled or experienced as they think they are, and are already being paid what they are worth.


Can anyone tell me any reason at all why a company would allow a skilled and experienced worker to leave to work for a competitor due to being underpaid, assuming that the company could afford to pay them enough to retain them?

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We have had Thomas Sowell come up in another thread. He really isn't considered much of anything anymore.


The issue IHOE comes when two candidates of equal training apply for the SAME job. In all they are equal except one is a woman. They have two jobs so they hire them both. The woman gets a considerable less starting salary.


Even I have provided some explanation as to one of the many reason women end up making less over the course of time. But why do they start less...still...I was hired in my insurance job with someone who had less education and no experience in that field. In fact had had more customer service experience. Yes I was eventually told I started 5,000/yr less. Hmmm...


I quoted Prof. Steve Horwitz earlier which I based my argument on, the reason this issue is so Alien to me is that I have never known anyone of my female friends who has experienced it other than third person accounts by self proclaimed Feminist Activists (more like Active Environmental Hazard) that embrace us in sound pollution around our Uni. of Toronto (sorry).


I should add that annual salary could be based on many factors though. But I will assume that in your situation Every single competitive factor was on par or favoured your side except the salary. I should say If that's the case I feel sorry for anyone who had a say in this form of ripping off. They are probably mentally retarded.


The whole point I or anyone theorizing (based on Statistics) like Steve Horwitz are making is: The World is not a fair place for neither sex. There isn't necessarily a Phallus bearing demon-beast conspirator behind the problems "The Women" are facing. I can point to some industries where the Lady makes more annually on the get-go.


The individual Cases always can have exceptions. But exceptions are pretty much irrelevant to any statistics or any intellectual debate on Ideological Enforcement, as they are Arbitrarily based on Humans being Human. There will always be that as*hole that calls you brown even though you are whiter than he is. The Idea behind women being oppressed in this particular topic is IMO just a dying political agenda.

Edited by Ihoe
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The issue IHOE comes when two candidates of equal training apply for the SAME job. In all they are equal except one is a woman. They have two jobs so they hire them both. The woman gets a considerable less starting salary.


That sounds severe, where do you get evidence for something like that though? If you could just show it then the debate would be pretty much over.


The only sort of inequality I've seen in my jobs are gender role related. At the cannery women work almost exclusively on the sorting lines, though some do get the cushy machine jobs it's mostly men that get them and no male works on the sorting lines (because it sucks donkeys working on the sorting lines).

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