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GOTY will not recognise OBMM


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All well and good, I have been told that the GOTY version is already patched, how do I convince OBMM of that? It states that the game needs to be patched to v1.2.0416 - indeed I downloaded that patch, but of coursse it won't load with GOTY. Not only that, but I can't get OBMM to recognise it is already patched!


Can anyone please tell me how I go about this (the puzzling thing was that it was working OK, withthe GOTY patched believe it or not, until recetly whne I had a computer crash) .





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have you tried adding OBSE after you have installed SI? I'm not sure as to if you did it before or after. also Obse 17 is a tad buggy yet, you may want to go back to 16. I have that version and would be happy to give you the file!


Yes I have 16, and can put that on instead of 17, I don;t really want to play SI as yet, I had thought of putting it on AFTER all the main and side quests - KoN and Deadric as well as the Thieve's Guild Quests were finished.


It appears the main problem is either - as you say, 17 or the GOTY. In fact at another of my posts recently, "Error message on update" at http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=136030, you'll see what I mean.

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The Oblivion in the GOTY is not fully patched Until after SI is installed. I recommend that you go ahead and install the SI, then just ignore it until you are ready to play it. SI has no effect on the Oblivion game except for adding the gate to SI and a message that puts the SI quest in your quest list.
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The Oblivion in the GOTY is not fully patched Until after SI is installed. I recommend that you go ahead and install the SI, then just ignore it until you are ready to play it. SI has no effect on the Oblivion game except for adding the gate to SI and a message that puts the SI quest in your quest list.

thanks bben. again I learn from you. :biggrin:

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The Oblivion in the GOTY is not fully patched Until after SI is installed. I recommend that you go ahead and install the SI, then just ignore it until you are ready to play it. SI has no effect on the Oblivion game except for adding the gate to SI and a message that puts the SI quest in your quest list.

thanks bben. again I learn from you. :biggrin:


Thanks: I'll do that, one of the reasons I haven't installted the SI yet, is that ALL of the other 9 expansions seem to be added, and I only want 7. I specifically DO NOT want either the Wizard's Tower or Vile Lair. I know it's ok to put them on but not play them, but Vile Laiir seems to unbalance the game and the Wizard's tower seems to create more than a few problems of it's own (one of them is entering shops - as it seems to have some shops closed even though the other shops are open).


If the SI disk in GOTY asked you what expansions you wanted, then fine, I would load it, but as it stands , it does NOT do so. In fact, thinking back ono this, I seem to remeber I borrwed my son'd Oblivion disk, installed it, and the original KoN expansions (well 7 of the 9 anyway). I then patched this to v1.2.0416 (the patch I have is "Oblivion_v1.2.0416UK").

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I loaded both main game and the SI disk from the GOTY version, and guess what you DO get the option in OBMM to add SI or not, pity, it doesn't give you the options for the other 9 add-ons as well.


OBSE 17a and OBMM are both installed and seem to be OK, all I need to do now is spend an hour or so (more like 2 or 3) adding in the various other mods and modders resources I use.

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All of the other DLC mods work exactly as if they were normal mods. And are not needed for the patch that is included in SI. You can leave any or all of them out as you desire.
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