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Oblivion Mod Manager, unless you're an expert manual installer who can easily reorganize folders in mods that have lots of options or are packaged in a fashion that Nexus Mod Manager can't understand (and then repack them in a manner that it can understand). NMM in Oblivion will take more work to use than OBMM.

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NMM, whereas with fallout it's usually better to use FOMM there's no really great reason to continue to use ObMM unless you currently have mods installed using it. NMM is a natural evolution of ObMM and works perfectly fine with that game. The only time NMM has a problem with a mod is if it's not packaged properly to work with ObMM (folder structures that start in the Oblivion folder not the Data folder for example or that start in a custom named directory that will leave a big "mod name" folder in your Data folder) that problem will occur with any mod improperly packaged however most of Oblivion's ObMM ready mods are already packaged in a way that NMM can recognize.

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Until NMM is fixed I can't allow my files to be downloaded through it.


Almost all my uploads come in so-called OMOD-ready format, that is .7z archives for manual install as usual, but also additional "OMOD conversion data" folders included in each one so OBMM can automatically create fully functional and even scripted OMODs from them with a single click.


What 'sounded' like a great idea back then, complete compatibility to and support for whatever install method the user prefers in one package, turned out to become a huge mistake once the NMM went mainstream and everybody and their mother was expecting things to 'just work'.


Now when you download one of my mods with NMM all you'll get is a nasty error message telling you that one of the OMOD functions used inside the install script file found inside the "OMOD conversion data" folder in the archive was not recognized to be a valid FOMOD function... makes sense? The hell it does not! Expecting to find FOMOD functions in a script file found inside "OMOD conversion data", how could you? And why it doesn't give the option to ignore the scripts it found and install anyways also is entirely beyond me. After all, these aren't FOMODs, these aren't packages meant to be analyzed by the NMM, there are no NMM install scripts included, nothing of this applies, yet it still treats it as if it does!


My bad for making everything easily 'convertible', I guess.


So no, NMM for Oblivion mods is just a bad idea in general. Sure, there are mods which will 'just work', but most of them were created long before NMM was even an idea and are now expected to be packaged in the 1 single folder structure it actually understands. Not to forget those, like mine, which indeed are, but are also made to support different package standards at the same time, which the NMM simply 'decides' not to just read and use as given, but to make a fuss over the support measures and just throw up an error and abort. Unless this nonsense is fixed the answer has to remain 'No' to NMM for Oblivion. I cannot safely recommend it, knowing of hundreds of cases where you'll run into trouble with it.

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OBMM. No contest.

*bug and hassle free
*it works with ALL Oblivion mods, NMM doesn't work with older mods. In fact, it really doesn't work that well with Oblivion, period.

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