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Lycantrophy the Disease


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Come on people need some comments :biggrin:


Well hello everyone,thanks for your atention and sorry for my bad english,im Brazilian.I got

this great idea,but as I don't have a single notion about moding oblivion I decided to put it here,hope someone does it:


Ok lets talk about the idea,I was thinking on Nekhanimal's Awesome Vampire mod,it lets you interact with others and join clans,also aging,so i thought wow could have an werewolf mod like that but with some things more,well here i am requesting this mod.


Here is a scheme with abilities,disvantages and lycan levels.

http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/7146/werewolfbalanced.png http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/werewolfbalanced.png/1/w962.png


As i posted the image up here there are now five levels that i planed,the transformation is like:

Pup:40% chance of transforming after midnight.

Adult:70% chance of transforming after midnight.

Mature:Always trasnform after midnight.

Elder:Can control transformation.

Alpha:Can control transformation,and get two companions till end of night.


When in werewolf form you would be hostile to humans,but friendly to wild animals and only one mythic creature the werewolf(that should be added to certain areas).

To advance in levels the werewolf shall meet a certain age,one transformation=one age point.


And also should do some kind of ritual to advance in age:1wolf skin,1mort flech added in an altar an then it became some consumable item,eating it would advance you.


There should be 3 clans of werewolfs and 2 of werepyres.




SilverMoon(cliche i know,but sounds cool)

They will inhabit the Northern Cyrodill.They have grey fur.

the most powerfull clan liderated by Furion Kezengort(or anything you'd like)

to join this clan you must have meet the PUP consequence,and then feed on dremora,someone will come with a letter to you and give you a map marker of the clan cave.



They will inhabit the BlackWood.They have black fur.

The most weak clan liderated by Adoring Fan hahaha kiding,by Leonard Zenith

to join you must meet the adult consequence and then transform,also use the instinc spell and like above the same willl happen.



They will inhabit the Cyrodill-Morrowind border.They have brown fur.

The standart clan liderated by Boromir Azengard

to join meet the mature consequence 3 times and kill all the hunters

and you know,the mensager thing...





They will inhabit the West Weald.

Liderated by Wolf-Wing.

to join you must feed on a vampire after transformed into werepyre,

then you will loose conciousness and wake up at their lair.



They will inhabit the great forest.

Liderated by Shadowbane.

to join you must feed on the flesh of an Alpha werewolf after transformed into werepyre,you loose concious and wake at their lair


To make it fair each clan will have a merchant,a mage,a smithy and a tavern keeper because werewolfs don't realy like normal people.Also you can go on some quests to help your brothers or get fame around the clan,wich can let you start your own clan if fame and age enought.Sure there will be non clan werewolfs & werepyres wich you can trade and get quests from.





*human:boosts endurance by 10pts(per feed) for 100secs

*animal:increase the instinct power effects(one time only while power is activated) for 60secs

*werewolf(this will banish you from lycan society):permanent boost to health by 20pts(per feed) only in lycan form to balance the things :biggrin:

*mythic creatures(ogres,minotaurs,etc.):increase fatigue by 40pts(per feed) for 100secs

*vampires:causes vampirism(werepyre)

*deadra:decrease weakness to silver & fire till end of transformation


Feeding:blood(werepyre only)


Well feeding on blood isn't the same thing as flech,you may feed only on humans,and violently.But its needed to get saciated as a werepyre.



Human advantages,disvantages and consequenses(wrote wrong in the scheme):


here is the human form:boosts,decreases and concequences:

http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7258/lycan.png http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/lycan.png/1/w953.png



By now you should have noticed the term werepyre,well you're not crazy,yes that mythic talking exists and you can become one(if this mod comes true,surely :thumbsup: )werepyres are hybrids of vampires and werewolfs realy respected by booth races,the werepyre has wings,feeds twice a night one from flesh other from blood,because of his size his feeds are surely not like from the vampires,he violently grabs his victims and feed from their blood,with a chance a breaking its bones and killing it,wich provides flech,the werepyres have a weakness to silver of 80% no matter their ages,they can take advange of that by feeding on daedric flech,also that weakness to fire exists no more,werepyres are 50%resistant to it,instead they are 70% weak against shock,age may change that,thought.Werepyres are so vicious that at the start they forget their manners and they lose self control the urge to feed is greater than that,also they cannot go back to human form.

Here is another paint drawned scheme:




There should be a ritual to advance in age as werepyres also:you should go to the altar and put

1human blood,1vampire dust,1mort flesh,1wolf skin.Then you'll advance.



Here are the age requirements to advance in level:















If someone please could do this mod,feel free to change anithing you like in it,but I think that the aging thing is essential to make diference from The Curse of Hircine,the werepyres are also a nice adition.


Well its a complex project and please i hope someone can realy do it,thanks to all of you again for your atention.

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you could grew up while the day passes. (and you transform into a werewolf)

let's take this example :

40 transformations - you level up to mature

100 transformations - you level up to Alpha.


a neat idea would be a werewolf/lycan community .


Powers :

Pup : Increased endurance , strength , hand to hand , agility +5

Magic : Night eye - but with a bloody shader :biggrin:

Smell detect - works just like the life detect


I 'll continue throwing with ideas if you'd like , and when it's all set , I'll lend a hand in making the mod ;).


...feeding - feed on flesh -

-human - adds some buffs

-animals - increases Smell detect range

-werewolves - permanent bonuses

-vampires - may cause vampirism ? (here will kick in neckhanimal's vampire mod )

-zombies - smell detect / nighteye -removed until next feed ,

drain fatigue

decreases skills

-Daedra - increased resistance to silver


that's all for now :biggrin:

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