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What mods to install?


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ell i got all the mods installed and checked them in the data file...but when selecting my character and going thru the faces, it didnt look like they were actually installed...any idea?


also when i loaded morrow, i got the warning box..this is what the warning txt said


"One of the files that "Leias_Dual_Wield_03.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

but not necessarily fix any errors.

One of the files that "RealSignposts.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

but not necessarily fix any errors.

One of the files that "Cloak of Three.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

but not necessarily fix any errors.

One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.

Texture "Textures\Tx_RM_rock_01.tga" count 3.

Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.

Texture "Textures\menu_thick_border_bottom_right_corner.dds" count 2."


also i havent even saved a game yet either and it is saying "dependent on has changed since the last save."



and these are all the mods i installed


abandoned flat

adamanium armor

adventures v2


balcony house

bethaliz lefemm armor 1.2

cloak of three

leias dual wield

real sign post






astarsis packs:

bearded nords

dark elvers females

high elves female beauty

dark elves heroes

donsalus high eleves hereos

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ok with the faces not showing: u did extract ALL the files into the right directories right? with astarsis beauty packs u cant just extract u have 2 do it manually


and just ignore those error messages. they shouldnt affect gameplay at all, well at least not the first few, as for the "count 2" etc ones, well i dunno if they will affect gameplay just make sure to backup ur save game b4 saving with the mods turned on

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Yeah... what Switch said.


If you haven't read the pinned topic in the "Plug-ins" forum about installing plug-ins, you should. Moving files manually can be a pain, but it should alleviate most of your problems. The other error messages are really nothing to worry about, and saving your game should eliminate them.

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got them working....

now i need to find some redgaurd and imperial face/hair mods lol



any idea on how the hell to fix the voice bug? to hear a guy talking to me i have to turn away from him...facing him, i cant hear jack

astarsis basic replace covers imperials and redguards


also that voice bug sounds odd. try fiddling with hardware reliant/software reliant options under audio in the morrowind options menu.

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