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Daedric Amulets


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Funny I was looking for this kind of mod also. I have a fairly nice idea (IMO) for a religion overhaul, and it would definitively need some amulets for the deadr, at least for Nocturnal, Azura, Boethiah, and Mephala (the deadra that have shrines). If this kind of mod isn't out there yet, I would certainly support anyone who whould want to create it.

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The closest thing I can think of is this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8361/?


It adds a bunch of new craftable jewelry to the game based off of armor material, so you can craft daedric necklaces and rings. You could then rename them and assign them daedra based enchantments.




On a side note, one the necklaces has Mehrunes Dagon's face on it.

Edited by AgentChieftain
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