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"Of Teachings and Trainers"


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I was thinking, perhaps I would be nice if for some of the other trainers (the Pay to level ones), you could get a small cutscene showing you when training. So when You pay for the training instead of instantly being trained you see this cutscene, time is set to evening (you have been training all day), and then you continue on from the training grounds. Naturally this means you can only acces the training menu in the morning (or at least during the day) and it would feel a lot more immersive.


I will probably add this to my original post soon.

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*Facepalm* Thanks, correcting it right now. Well in fact I just took the quests that give you a free skill increase and worked on from there. But yes, He could have one indeed. He would teach you how to use firesalts in the forge for better weapons or something. But yeah, Let's first correct that stupid mistake ^^.

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I recently added a whole thing about how training could be handled, and by that I mean the whole "pay me=+1skill" system (which I rather dislike). Because I find it a little immersion breaking. Ok you are some kind of demi god but still, if you had enough money and a little bit of organisation you could become an expert bladesman in about a week. My proposition lets it take at least five days to use all of your paid trainings for each level.

Edited by draconisking
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What about adding some sort of mecanism so that joining certain guilds will have a little more benefits.


SPOILER: For example if you decide to cure the circle twins you have to escort them to the tomb of ysgramor. Perhaps you could during this time ask them for some last advice on the beast form (at least if you are still a werewolf). The same thing could apply to Aela once you finished gathering the totems. You would then be given a teaching that helps you when in werewolf form.


The same could work for about any other guild.

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