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I had to edit a couple of words for G rating's sake, so I hope it doesn't dilute the meaning any. This is one of my favorites. The "Celie and Mister" reference is a line from the movie The Color Purple. If you haven't seen it, it's a must see.


As always thank you for reading. :)




Mirror, mirror on the wall

who is the most helpless of them all?

Is it the boy with a grown man’s face,

the little child standing

in a grown man’s place?


Made me the object of your desire

didn’t look before you leaped

into the fire.

Now you’re feeling all confused

the game is played out,

now who is feeling used?


Asked for honesty and

damn you panicked,

had you shuffling and stuttering

like a tweaked out

crack addict.


So I ask you-

helplessness what does it really mean?

to be tossed and manipulated

by mythical forces unseen?

to be slayed and laid terminally low

dragging a wounded heart

perpetually in tow?


You were the one caught up in wrong doing

I was just listening



being tried and tested and true..

so tell me boy,

what wrong I do to you?


Now I sit here-

cigarette smoke curling round my face

shaking my head

too late to pick up the pace.


Does helplessness have any other name?

does it hide behind the masks

of grief

or embarrassment

or shame?


I need somebody who

is in it to stay,

not a man-boy changing his mind

every other day

letting his man stick pull him into the fray

created by cheap, late night talk

and all too irresistible forays.


So if I risked my heart

and gave up some of my ability

to reason,

in light of your transgressions

who is really guilty

of emotional treason?


I’m about to bounce

without a trace

leave you standing

with much deserved egg on your face

but it ain’t me

who is the disgrace

or settled for less-

it’s you.


And you can act like you don’t care

but darling pleez, I’m already there.

Yeah you can act like that

if you want to

but as Celie said to Mister

“everything done to me,

already done to you…”


You’ll have to face Karma...

she’ll want blood

nothing less,

and that my dear, is the essence and form

of true helplessness.


Mirror, mirror on the wall

who is the most helpless of them




(© TDM 01/03/06)

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