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US flag 'offends' people inside the US.


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I thought of this while reading comments on a different site about the Cola-Cola commercial. Why is there such sensitivity to being proud to be an American? When did we become ashamed to show our colors?


Here is what I mean. Back on September 11, 2001 I was working in retail, had stores all over the country, and even in a few other countries. Wanting to be patriotic we brought some flags from home to display in the store. Corporate sent out an e-mail the next day forbidding any display of the US flag that didn't come from them. The reason? They didn't want to offend anyone!


Think about this, can't show the US flag, in the USA because it might offend someone. There are a couple of stories a year like this, where you can't have a day to dress in red, white and blue in a school because you might offend someone. But yet they have no problem celebrating Cinco de Mayo. You can wear a shirt with the Mexican flag, or even Che Guevara (don't get me started about this a$$), but a shirt with the US flag, might offend someone. There have even been towns and townships proposing a law to ban the flying of the US flag. A quick google search brings a lot of stories.


I've seen many comments (on other sites) of how we, Americans, must be tolerant of people of other countries, but it seems to be only tolerance one way. Tolerance is also seeing the flag of the country I am in all over the place, regardless if it's the USA, Australia, Canada, France, Brazil, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc.


As I've aged, I celebrate being an American in the USA. If you don't like seeing me celebrate it, why are in you in my country? (I'm not talking about on line, I know forum membership is international, but celebrating a national holiday at a park type celebrating.) Guess I'm sick of the whole 'offend' excuse people put up to cover their hatred of my country. I should have zero problem with flying the US flag in the USA. I sometimes wonder, these people who get 'offended' seeing the US flag in the USA, what country did they think they were in?


What really bugs me is the people I've know from other countries, who I worked with over the years, view this with disbelief. They don't understand this attitude.


Enough of my rant, what do you think?

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I know of some companies that have policies regarding not displaying -any- national flags, but I am not aware of any major stories about someone in the US getting offended specifically at the US national flag (but not other national flags). Care to supply a link?

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As much as people who are very patriotic who wish to display their own personal patriotism at work, A private corporation is a company which has the right to decide if they wish or wish not to publicly display any specific national or international flags or any flags of a know or unknown affiliation upon their establishments.


There is usually more of an outrage of an establishment flying the confederate rebel flag on their property...


But I have to agree with Ripple on this one, I am not aware of any "major" stories about someone in America getting offended specifically at the US national flag either. Would definitely be interesting to read, if you care to supply "all" links in regards to your claims....


As for "proposals" of legislation to ban the flying of the U.S. flag does not really shock me when you consider there have been "proposals" in some states to ban such things as "oral sex". Basically proposals don't mean anything.... Some state legislatures are just crazy if you ask me, ironically seems more often in most instances in states which are totally Republican controlled.


A perfect example recently is Oklahoma "trying" to ban marriage all together throughout the state so no one can receive benefits of being married regardless if you're a straight or gay couple.... :laugh:




"Hypothetically" if a ban like this were to ever pass, I could already picture the signs posted on the side of the road as you enter the state... "Oklahoma, the 1st state where marriage is no longer welcome!" :laugh:

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We, as a nation, have become so politically correct, that it is now a crime to offend anyone....... So, please don't say anything at all, only wear neutral colors, have a subdued hairstyle, and for gods sake, no jewelry, tatoos, or makeup. Maybe we should all just stay home, and not go out, so that we don't take a chance of offending someone?


In case you missed it..... I think the way our country is going is NOT the correct direction. We were founded by people that wanted to live their own lives, the way they saw fit, and they really didn't care what others though about it. We felt so strongly about it, we went to war over it. The founding fathers should be rolling over in their graves if they can see what the country they started has come to.

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I am not aware of any "major" stories about someone in America getting offended specifically at the US national flag either. Would definitely be interesting to read, if you care to supply "all" links in regards to your claims....




"Inside the courtroom, Judge Virginia Kendall argued that school officials have a responsibility to prevent violence and disruptions on campus, noting that students allegedly warned the vice principal that trouble was brewing because of the American flag T-shirts."


This is not a case where as just offending people as the issue of "specifically" being offended by the American Flag, it was done in the prevention of violence... If you were responsible and liable for what ever happens to the students on that campus, I am sure anyone would have done the same.


Their constitution grants public school children only limited First Amendment rights when they enter the schoolhouse gates.


"A school may restrict a student's speech," Volokh said, "to prevent unruly disruptions."


"the school was within its right to ban the shirts for just that single day."


Whether one thinks this ruling was right or wrong is another story....


But if you ask me looking closer at this specific case (which the article you posted doesn't really elaborate on) seems more like a street gang within the school "using" the American flag on a school day dedicated to celebrating Mexican heritage to purposely cause trouble with an opposing street gang.... I think it's more perverted "using" the American flag to purposely try to invoke gang violence...

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We get the same nonsense here, people have been told to take down flags from outside their house in case it offends one minority or another, those behind it aren't usually minorities though, they tend to be self loathing white liberals who spend most of their lives getting offended on behalf of other people.

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Just google 'us flag banning', you'll find stories. I've read these stories everywhere from FOX News, to MSNBC to Huffington Post. Though the more left leaning sight the more one has to dig to find it.


Just by "googling" almost all of the stories focus on the high school’s banning of US flag on T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo to avoid gang violence... Which was the same link TRoaches posted originally.


The only other story was about a Wisconsin town banning display of American flag on overpasses which was not "strictly" about the actual display of the flag but the issue of safety. Most of the articles about the Wisconsin town case failed to mention that the town has an ordinance limiting places people are allowed to protest one of which restricts overpasses in that town due to safety. Which was nothing "specifically" about the display of the american flag but the use of the overpasses for protesting in general.


Another link was just a "proposal" in the Hudson County town of West New York. Not much info was available on that story other than it just being an ordinance "proposal" regulating window displays in businesses and televisions mounted to cars....


After reading over 36 articles focused all on just these three cases I hardly see them as "major stories" about people in the US getting offended "specifically" at the US national flag. I would have read more articles but noticed the vicious cycle of them all being about the same stories listed above....

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@colourwheel: You asked for an example and I provided one. There is no mention of gangs being a factor anywhere in that article, so I have no idea that is coming from. If the school wants to enforce a dress code that is fine and they are within their rights to do so but why would they ban the US flag while allowing Mexican flags?

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