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Thanks god obsidian dosn't make an other fallout :)


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jim_uk, I agreed with that, but it is not fair to compare only plot vs plot, or quantity vs quantity, etc, because Bethesda started from scratch while Obsidian started with powerful tools and all background storyline solved to focus on this ‘sequel’.


And about that sentence: “Plot is the most important in RPG”, I think that is completely wrong. Plot is important for a movie, a novel, or a linear game, but for RPGs is not ‘the most important’, in RPGs rules and a solid background are much more important than a plot. In FO3 you have complete freedom and the main storyline is a simple background of your own personal story in the game, IMHO.


Fallout 3 is linear, yes the world is open but so are the worlds in GTA and like GTA once you start a mission/quest you're put on rails. Fallout 3 only has the illusion of freedom, in reality you have none. Bethesda didn't need to start from scratch either, Fallout 3 is a sequel, the world and lore already existed, it's a shame they didn't stick to it, nor was the engine new, it's a slightly tweaked version of the Oblivion/Morrowind engine.

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If you think you have complete freedom, then kill your dad without mods or console. Go on. I'll wait. The personal story isn't really that personal, since you are forced into a particular scenario and no matter how much you ignore that fact, the MQ is still completely linear past V112.


Going back to the atmosphere thing - FO3 had the same problem Oblivion had: it was a sequel to a game that offered a rather interesting look at the setting (be that post-post-apocalypse in FO2, or alien as-far-as-possible-from-typical fantasy in Morrowind) and turned it into something extremely cliché - the typical ruined, dead world filled with raiders in FO3 and typical medieval fantasy world in Oblivion.


Yes, I mean with mods, obviously, without mods this (and most multiplatform games designed to be played equally on consoles and PC), are extremely boring, plain, empty, easy... It has no sense to play games only for the "plot", for a plot I prefer a novel, even a movie because in a game the plot is hardly compromised by your actions, a ‘hard’ plot limits your play, many times you want to do something and because of the plot you ended doing the opposite, right?


And going back to the atmosphere, probably you’re right, but the only reason to bought NV was that I liked FO3 enough to buy its “sequel”. So I wanted more of the same, improved and expanded, not another thing completely different, right? Even having more ‘role’ or the attempt to ‘return’ to original FO1&2, I bought NV because I liked FO3, nothing more, and they have done whatever they wanted except a FO3 game...



jim_uk, I agreed with that, but it is not fair to compare only plot vs plot, or quantity vs quantity, etc, because Bethesda started from scratch while Obsidian started with powerful tools and all background storyline solved to focus on this ‘sequel’.


And about that sentence: “Plot is the most important in RPG”, I think that is completely wrong. Plot is important for a movie, a novel, or a linear game, but for RPGs is not ‘the most important’, in RPGs rules and a solid background are much more important than a plot. In FO3 you have complete freedom and the main storyline is a simple background of your own personal story in the game, IMHO.


Fallout 3 is linear, yes the world is open but so are the worlds in GTA and like GTA once you start a mission/quest you're put on rails. Fallout 3 only has the illusion of freedom, in reality you have none. Bethesda didn't need to start from scratch either, Fallout 3 is a sequel, the world and lore already existed, it's a shame they didn't stick to it, nor was the engine new, it's a slightly tweaked version of the Oblivion/Morrowind engine.



Yes, I mean all the meshes, textures, etc, even the Oblivion’s engine is from Bethesda, while Obsidian only needed to do almost a “mod”, so is not fair to say “NV has more role, more weapons, more locations, etc”, because that's all they needed to focus, is much less work having all tools, rules and world already developed.

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I would have personally like it BETTER if Obsidian HAD been ALLOWED to make a all new Fallout game instead of having to use Bethesda's FO3, then we would have gotten much better content imo then them having to scrape Beths bottom of the barrel. Beth owns Fallout now so Obsidian has to play by their rules and in their sandbox, I personally wish Obsidian owned Fallout, since it worked on the old Fallout games and has people who worked on the old Fallout games in the company.


I am sorry you bought FNV expecting the same thing as FO3, but you seemed to have missed the part where Obsidian was the one making the game and not Beth. You can not expect the same game from different companies and you can not expect the same linear story type from Obsidian because they are known for less linear stuff and more in depth story. I think this is less a mistake on Obsidian's part and more a mistake on your part for perhaps not reading up on FNV and seeing that it is NOT a "sequel" to FO3 and was never billed as one.

"While New Vegas is not a direct sequel, it uses the same engine and style as Fallout 3."

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Yes, I mean all the meshes, textures, etc, even the Oblivion’s engine is from Bethesda, while Obsidian only needed to do almost a “mod”, so is not fair to say “NV has more role, more weapons, more locations, etc”, because that's all they needed to focus, is much less work having all tools, rules and world already developed.



Bethesda had a lot more time and they are a far bigger company, also if look at NV you'll see a lot of a new meshes, textures ect. You only have to look at Oblivion, FO3 and Skyrim to see the problem, they blow their budget on world building with the actual game content almost being an afterthought, the result being games that are a mile wide but only an inch deep. Things would be a lot better if Bethesda took writing seriously, as is their stories are plot hole ridden and cliché while dialogue varies from bad to atrocious, FO3s dialogue being the worst.

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Girl Modder & jim_uk, I agree about NV has more role, better dialogues and in general is a better version of FO3, the part of the role, dialogues, etc, comes from Obsidian’s tradition, but the part of meshes, landscapes, sounds, etc, is 80-90% FO3, so NV could be considerer a big mod like Fallout Wanderers Edition (must be an expansion if they kept the original atmosphere but sadly not, is a big mod that allows you to play in another way).


I said that I am against to change sagas, FO1&2 were canonic isometric RPG while FO3 is an Action RPG, so they ARE different games, this was bad but at least FO3 is a good game and is expected to have a sequel or an expansion, not another game.


Obsidian did really good games when they start from scratch, but when they took sagas, they have destroyed them... Neverwinter Nights 2 has a better campaign than NWN1 but poor online, and online was the spirit of this game, destroyed... Dungeon Siege III is direct garbage that has none in common with previous DS1&2 (ARPGs with deep party control by mouse), instead they did a generic console game totally unworthy of Obsidian’s tradition. And New Vegas was the same: they attempted to be original changing a previous successful game and half of the players loved the smell of old FO1&2, and another half hate it, because they have used the wrong game.


I’m expecting Pillars of Eternity because is an Obsidian’s purebred, also I’m expecting Wasteland 2 as the true successor of FO1&2, but I’ll not forgive Obsidian for the destruction of many of my favorite sagas...


Finally you were right in all that you said, but at the end of the discussion there are our feelings and I really liked the devastating world of Fallout 3, the sensation of loneliness that only few games has, so why should I like that western crowded of cowboy robots of New Vegas?


A “FO3 with NV role” would be the perfect game, but if I need to choose, I kept FO3 modded.

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I have given this game a fair chance now, So I've looked over the incredible dull and ugly design. Installed tons of mods to fix a bit of the mess. And indeed, new vegas is better for roleplaying a gay wastelander.

Why? its full of gay characters and penises!!! I've spotted at least 3 ingame illustrations with a 'hidden' penis. The Old World Blues Brains cant stop talking about 'your' Penis Toes. The Biological Research Station dialogue was so disgusting that I had to turn the game off. There are NPCs named Long Dick Johnson and others talking about his long dick all the time. And thats by far not all, just some random examples. Adding to this that there are 3 times more guy options than strait... And thats all without the Confirmed Bachelor perk. Id clearly prefer the "dye hair dialouge" from tenpenny tower over this:



IAM NOT JOKING NOR TROLLING. Start up NV and see for yourself.

I might can stand the extremly ugly design. I might can stand the ugly level design, even the boring copy & paste side quests.

Beeing disgusted by penis illustrations and gay dialogues at every corner in the Wasteland is to much for my taste.


Don't get me wrong here please, Iam not against homosexuality in any way. Everyone should have the free right to love and live however he likes.

I just think obsidian has gone far over the top with all there homosexual themes and choices. Guess just not my kind of thing, ehh.

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I have given this game a fair chance now, So I've looked over the incredible dull and ugly design. Installed tons of mods to fix a bit of the mess. And indeed, new vegas is better for roleplaying a gay wastelander.

Why? its full of gay characters and penises!!! I've spotted at least 3 ingame illustrations with a 'hidden' penis. The Old World Blues Brains cant stop talking about 'your' Penis Toes. The Biological Research Station dialogue was so disgusting that I had to turn the game off. There are NPCs named Long Dick Johnson and others talking about his long dick all the time. And thats by far not all, just some random examples. Adding to this that there are 3 times more guy options than strait... And thats all without the Confirmed Bachelor perk. Id clearly prefer the "dye hair dialouge" from tenpenny tower over this:



IAM NOT JOKING NOR TROLLING. Start up NV and see for yourself.

I might can stand the extremly ugly design. I might can stand the ugly level design, even the boring copy & paste side quests.

Beeing disgusted by penis illustrations and gay dialogues at every corner in the Wasteland is to much for my taste.


Don't get me wrong here please, Iam not against homosexuality in any way. Everyone should have the free right to love and live however he likes.

I just think obsidian has gone far over the top with all there homosexual themes and choices. Guess just not my kind of thing, ehh.


I am going to just shake my head in disbelief at you. I would like to point out that there are officially 6 male characters who are gay in FNV, the rest are straight and a couple (literally 2) are bi. Only ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE even mentions anything gay to you without the Confirmed Bachelor Perk and its Dr. Alex Richards, who is either just a bug and they forgot to include the perk check for his comments OR he is just confident in his sexuality and you can avoid him.


Long Dick Johnson is also not homosexual he is a man who likes women and has a very long penis, according to Cass of all people ONCE. She says it ONCE, he is not in the game at all except through her lewd joke ONCE.


Also if you walk around ANY city and look at the "street" art you will see Penises ALL over, and I can guarantee you most of them are not made by anyone other then straight men. Men like to put their penises places, it was all over the walls and stuff in my schools (middle school and up to college). Though I have to admit I just looked through all the FNV graffiti and saw no penis or penis like pictures, are you sure your just not seeing penises when there are none? Maybe you mean the mushroom cloud, which is in FO3 as well.


As for Old World Blues, I am so sorry you where accosted with sexual innuendo by a insane brain who has lost all sense of the human anatomy and thinks your fingers and toes are penises. He is not mentioning them in a sexual way he really thinks your toes and fingers are penises. Also not gay, it makes the comment to both genders.


The Biological Research Station says that to everyone its meant to come off as a smooth talker joke, also its not gay or homosexual its BI (if even that since its a computer program) because it says the SAME lines to female characters too.


So the only homosexual stuff you have even encountered is Dr. Alex Richards, the rest are not gay your just taking them as gay for some reason. The only one I would even consider umcomfy is the Biological Research Station, which I agree is meant to make you feel odd or umcomfy.

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Not there? Any idea why it's called subliminal message?

Just 2 examples, there's more like this in the game however.





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First one I will give you is sexual, but no more so then the normal real world stuff I see every day walking down the street or on the TV. You must live someplace very different then I do in RL since things like that are everywhere, and unless you know about jerking off onto a women's face already then you would not even see anything sexual there at all. So you kinda already have your mind set dirty on that one lol. I would have more problems with the prostitutes then some silly ad for a drink.


I think your REALLY reaching with the second one, because that is literally a style of clothing that was worn and is still worn to this day. Its just a drawing to me with no "hidden" penis in it unless your strictly looking for a penis.

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Okay, okay. I know what's going on here. Crassius Curio works for Obsidian. That's the only possible explanation. I don't know about you, but I'm okay with that.

EDIT: Let me correct myself: Obsidian works for Crassius, of course.

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