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Ravenhold Castle: Updated


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If I were to make a guess at how far along Hawkey and I are in the mod, it would be at about 40%. I am still working on the interiors (which actually take quite a while) and Hawkey is working on the quests. I havent been able to talk to him lately (because of the internet) and I wasnt able to post any pictures, but I will hopefully get to that soon.


So far I have:


~The main castle


~Guest House



~Several other shops and such


Next is working on the civilian houses. I will be able to have a more accurate guess on how far along we are.

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Some of them got a little chopped off, I dont quite know why, but you will get the main idea.









This is just my part. Hawkey is doing all of the quests, most of the dialog (about 99% of it), and some minor scripting that I dont know how to do. If I need larger scripts, then I will find someone to help. I dont know of any major scripts yet though. Anyways, that is just the exteriors. There is a lot more to the interiors, but those will be a surprise for everyone. I have had someone test it, but that was a while ago and I need him to test it again soon. Anyways, I will have more updates by next weekend- hopefully. Hope ya like it.

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Thanks. I'm probably going to add another island a little further away with much more wilderness and a shrine and maybe some bandit caves. But more than likely that will be later on and probably in an updated version of Ravenhold Castle. There is still much left to do, but hopefully will be done aomewhere before November (I cant work on the mod full-time, especially with school coming up so soon). If I am not working fast enough, then I might have someone else help me with house interiors.
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Wow, you've added alot more, where are those shacks on stilts actualy located?


And you can seem my precious little NPC's. You just want to pick them up and put em in a matchbox. And i have a question. How do you spell abolisitionist....?

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