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Endorsements... Usefullness?


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The 1 - 10 Points System was not working because everybody just gave 10 points or 9 maybe.

There was no explanation anywhere (at least not visible) how you should use it and everybody who gave a low score got flamed at... not much more use here then a Thanks Button.


Now we have this "endorsements" ...3 hour wait (wtf it takes 5 minutes to test a new texture/armor/weapon) and still no real Explanation how to use this endorsements anyway.


I think there should be more bars for diffrent purposes where you can Vote.



1) the allmighty "THX Button" - you like it, you use it? you want more of the same kind? say thank you!

(the endorsement system in the actual form is NOTHING else! just that you have a silly 3 hour wait and have to leave a comment)


2) Compatibility - something more usefull for the USER, are there any compatibility issues with other mods? CTD? Texture Errors? ...just to see how many peoples had Problems because of the file (comment only required if you vote down! Give the Creator some feedback about your problems!).


3) Quality - 5 Star System (like youtube). In this everything technic releated counts. Quality of the Textures? Quality of the Meshes, Scripts etc. Where 3 Stars. would say that it is good but there is room for improvement -> update please! 1 Star = better not even download it. 5 stars = You should get payed by Bethesda!


4) Usefullnes - anonymous yes/no Button (like endorsements but without the need to comment). Now this is only about your personal taste, you LIKE it or not? ... there are many useless and stupid mods, i would like to just be able to anonymously say that i see no use in it or even dont like it at all. But without saying that the File or Work itself is flawed in any form, finally the Creator would see an additional pointer what the majority of the Users thinks about his Work, if he should continue with mods like this or better think about something else to do with his time.




In the Top 50 should be a calculated final score out of all these Votes.





just my thoughts about the vote system, you gonna do whatever you like anyway so just think about it, i guess there are more important things on Nexus anyway.

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The new vote system was put in place after many people have requested it and is (from what Dark0ne can tell) the design from the majority of comments out there before the system was put in place. The image share was the 1st trial run to give everyone an example of what is to come and many suggestions and opinions were given about this subject.


Many authors have quit modding because of the abuse they received, even though moderators "take care of" the offenders, the systems put in place were twisted and abused. There is NOTHING wrong with a 1-10 vote system...the problem comes from how it is used. It really does not matter what kind of system is put in place, abuse will happen but the current system has reduced that potential to a GREAT extent. I think we can all agree that any improvement to keep abusers from offending the content contributors is a plus.


As for the subject on "Compatibility" as a modder, it is very important that my mods are compatible with vanilla (unmodified) Oblivion and do not cause any game-breaking issues. I could care less about compatibility issues with other mods. To me, there is no point trying to make my mod compatible with every other mod out there, especially if I do not use those mods. If however somebody makes a compatibility patch or something, I will give credit and even host the file right along with the originals.


EDIT: I would be careful about using statements with "everyone" as if it were fact.



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As i said the "compatibility" point would be more for the User, less for the Author.

If the Author cares about compatibility it is HIS choice, as a User (who has downloaded enough .esp's that he has to merge them!) i still would like to know if the new Megaton Home Poster is compatible with the Mirelurk Fishtank. Not everybody is into this Stuff like i am and the casual user may not understand why his game Crashes when he enters his Megaton House.


If it is not mentioned before and i run into it, at least i report it in the comments, so that MAYBE the Author does something about the issue (if even possible) OR at least that other Users are warned about it.

There is no need for people to run blindly into the same Crash To Desktop all over again.


Now a Vote System for that would just help the User that he see's if somebody reported something in the Comments or if it is a waste of time for him to look over that 20 Page's of people saying nothing else than "thank you" "youre a god" "i want kids from you"... on the other hand you can download and use it without beeing to carefull about it if there are 120 people saying that they had no Problems with it.



EDIT: I would be careful about using statements with "everyone" as if it were fact.


Well, I like to think that the things i say are facts. If not, Hell! You dont need to listen to me!



Dumbing down the System because of SOME "Abusers" is like DRM for every honest Customer because some People just leech the Games from the Internet.

You shoot but you also hit the other People. Abuse is not the first thing you should think about and was not what i was thinking about at all in my first posting.



and as i said before:

"you gonna do whatever you like anyway so just think about it, i guess there are more important things on Nexus anyway."


And now excuse me i'm going back into The Pitt ^^

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I think your compatibility rating is a great idea. I have unilaterally decided to appoint you as the official tester. To implement it you will need to test each mod with every other mod that exists. Currently on the Oblivion side, we have well over 16 Thousand mods, on Morrowind there are 16 hundred and on FO3 62 hundred. That comes to about 23800 (rounded off) so if you were able to test one mod per hour, that's 23,800 hours, or 992 days, assuming no sleep. It looks like you have your work cut out for the next 2.7 years. Oh, BTW, there are many other mods that are not uploaded to TesNexus, Should we exclude them? :whistling:


Just kidding of course. However you can see that with the existing base of mods your suggestion is impractical, even if you were to take just those in the top lists it would be a major undertaking to test for compatibility. As no author can possibly know what mods a user will have, there is again no viable way to test for compatibility. :rolleyes:


From my point of view, the same as LHammonds, There is no rule (and can be no such rule) that a mod must work with every other mod. If the mod works with vanilla it passes the compatibility test. :thumbsup:


To make it simple we have a forum for each mod where you are encouraged to report any incompatibility you find where both the author and other users can see it. Just because you rated a mod does not mean you cannot comment on it also.

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Just tangentially related -- any way I can see what mods I have rated/endorsed already, and what ones I haven't? If not, can we get a way to do that? Pwetty pwease?
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Just tangentially related -- any way I can see what mods I have rated/endorsed already, and what ones I haven't? If not, can we get a way to do that? Pwetty pwease?



When you pull up your download history, it will indicate with a thumbs up or down, which you have endorsed.



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i LOLed


I am Beta Testing since i started with FO3 !!! (i don't play Oblivion)

I leave Comments everywhere i have something to say and in some cases i even found Solutions for the problems, which i also posted! Sometimes the Author will care enough to fix his mod, sometimes you get no response at all or the guy says that he will not fix it because he is to busy with RL or whatever.


I even molested some of the Authors with my Youtube Videos about the bugs i found (most of them where thankful).

example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJlOUGUBnG8 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XYftotcXww

( had another one but it was fixed so i deleted it ;P )



- "there are many other mods that are not uploaded to TesNexus, Should we exclude them?"

That is another Point! Why the hell wouldn't someone want their files on Nexus? This is the number ONE place to get stuff and to get stuff out to the people!

Even if it is slow (>10 seconds from Germany!!!) and buggy some times. (what is it with that random IPS Errors? why do i sometimes get to see PHP Code?) still the mainplace for any Mods.




Back 2 Topic:


- some examples:

The "PipBoy 5000" does not work with >Vanilla< Power Armor, here would be a low Compatibility rating in place but everything else would be high because it is just a godlike mod.

The Author doesnt care, he said so several times (fine with me and understandable), he shouldnt care to much about it but people still have to know and this way they would see it on the first look, without even reading the Description or any of the comments.

It doesn't say the mod itself is bad because of the rating, it just says you should be aware of incompatibilitys that might BRAKE the game for you!


Another one: you use the "Mirelurk Fishtank" for a month now, no Problems. Now you download the new released Megaton Sniper Nest and BOOM crash to desktop -> you have no idea why so you sit down 10 minutes or 2 hours to find out by trial and error what is incompatible here.

You find it out vote compatibility one down (for both files) and HAVE TO comment on what you found (no abuse possible!).

The next User will see it without even looking into the comments. Now there might be 50 users who had no Problem at all and voted up, but one that voted it down (with reason!) so all it says to you is you might want to check that one comments, just to know... and if you got the same mod too you will be thankfull not to run into the same crash or just know not to use those 2 together. END OF STORY.



NOBODY ever said anything about "the Author should care about it" (it is his choice, not mine, not yours!), any "RULE" (WTF?) or "this should be considdered for the Top List Calculation" or that "anybody would test ALL the Mods for compatibility". PLZ STOP LAYING WORDS IN MY MOUTH!


It is only about IF you find something -> tell people about it and let em know!

Just think about the new Guys who get addicted (like me) and just rush through 20 downloads every visit for the first two weeks (like me ^^ ).




It is a MAYBE helpful option.



of course if you download the "Latest Files" every Day you will not have much gain from it (because there are not enough votes yet), but if you download a File that is a Year online and has lots of Votes and all are positive you won't have much to care about braking your game.



...btw. since everybody here is jumping only on the "compatibility" point of my List i guess all other Points are fine with you and should be implemented?


[i love it when a Discussion evolves arround one minor Point and Everybody forgets about the initial Reason for the Thread at the end]



...so enough time wasted with this. Need my FO3 fix now!

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While I have nothing against this endorsement system in theory, some things about it just annoy me. The 3 hour limit is horrible: the majority of mods don't take longer that ten minutes to test and when three hours have passed I've already forgot what I wanted to tell the author. In addition to this the endorsement thingy has failed to work for me a few times, saying that "you don't have permission to do this" as with the 3h thing it wipes out the 500 word comment I've been writing and I have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN.

Unless we see some major improvements the system is worthless.

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