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How far do you take Roleplaying?


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I create backstories and do certain quests for my characters, but I tend not to eat or sleep properly.


For instance, my newest character is a swashbuckling/brigand style character, using Ricky the cat's Brigand Gear and throttlekitty's rapiers. His style gives a natural reason for being in prison too( thievery, smugging, killing someone in a duel etc), and he's only doing the main quest because the oblivion gates are disrupting his smugling buisness. Like an oblivionised Han Solo.

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I do roleplay the character to full extent, but never forgetting I'm not the character and it's only theater/game so the roleplay terminates in the exact instant the session is over.
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Reasonably far, like not entering factions my character wouldn't agree with, mostly keeping his/her attributes, skills, spells and abilities in line with their supposed role, safe for healing spell, as it is too hard to ignore it. I use custom classes and never really create them to match their roles, it's the actual outcome of their development that matches.

Of course I also select equipment and residences according to their personalities and preferences, also I pick companions that my characters would be able to end up together with.

Additionally I never uploaded any screens that are not compatible with character's role (safe for one joke screen), such as a modest woman wearing skimpy underwear or vampire walking under sunlight, even though I make them - for fun, testing or other reasons.

The real roleplay takes place in imagination anyway - Oblivion is still poor in options for it. So it's mostly a self-told fairy-tale.

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i'm the captain of a boat(bella moretta addon(mod))

once in 2 days i go as close as possible(if by boat) to anvil,leyawin,bravil or the Imperial City

there i get food and beer/wine/skooma...

in the IC i take my dragon(mod) to cloud ruler temple,there i play guard for some time then i go back to IC


I take a bedroll and go sleep in the forest(mod)


i play listener


i go to arena


then i sail to open sea via anvil and play captain again

(or i play cold blooded killer :wink: )

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In all free roaming rpgs i alays seem to roleplay as a scavenger or a hunter. I go shopping, then get ready, then go out for a hunt, camp over nigh, return to my house. Thats my basic daily routine, but for quests i just do the quests, no roleplaying there.


I only ever seem to RP when im bored...

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  Sarya said:
Reasonably far, like not entering factions my character wouldn't agree with, mostly keeping his/her attributes, skills, spells and abilities in line with their supposed role, safe for healing spell, as it is too hard to ignore it.

I also select equipment and residences according to their personalities and preferences, also I pick companions that my characters would be able to end up together with.

Additionally I never uploaded any screens that are not compatible with character's role.

The real roleplay takes place in imagination anyway - Oblivion is still poor in options for it. So it's mostly a self-told fairy-tale.


Thank you Sarya, I think those comments of hers really do sum up my rp'ing nicely. It's all in what you make it. I'm a night owl in real life, so often I'm out at night star gazing, fighting or visiting my companions. I like to do some things during the day, so I'll sleep, always in 8-12 hour blocks. Twenty four if I've just completed a big quest. For guilds I join, say BH, I always create backstories (rationalizations, lol) as to why eliminations need to be made. I'm a provider for folks like my servants, the KOTN men, my companions. We shop, plan for our adventures, etc. When I eat, I do so in a balanced way, protein, carbs, fruit, the occassional sweetcake, lol


I roam when I want to roam, fight when I want to fight, loot when I need money. Spend lots of time decorating my houses. For them to look homey is important. Now that I'm modding, the quests have gone by the wayside. I'm conflicted about the latest daedric quest I'm supposed to be doing, so I haven't done it. Not interested in doing the main quest yet, so only have done it half way.


It's a wonderful break for how much I work and am up late when other folks are sleeping, so I probably rp even more than I realize. I talk to the companions, my baby leopard, etc. Uh....yeah, I guess I role play alot, lol :P


Just depends on my mood, how much time I have to play, as to what my schedule or activities are for that particular day/night. To me, the minute you enter the world, in your head you are role playing to some degree.

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