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Socketing Abilites Idea


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Cracking idea for a mod, but looks well hard to do. Maybe could start by looking at the code for Trueflame (that starts as 3 bits and then you forge them together and then add oil to make it flame - looks so cool BTW)


Could also alter enchanting so you can add chemicals to the blade that diminish over time (poision on a blade for example). This might allow low end characters to get magic weapons



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That's a very interesting idea, making it possible to coat weapons in poison. Certainly would make an Assassin type of character a lot more fun. (Sneak, Stab, Watch them fall over.) :lol:


As for the Socket Quest Mod, I will make it but it's going to take a lot of time and effort... So I really appreciate any ideas or feedback you guys give me.

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Right now I'm trying to figure out how the Socket Quest will work and how many sockets can be rewarded, and how much it will cost and all that jazz.


Any suggestions for price range per socket?


Also, should I sell the runes or make people find them... :unsure: Hm...

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Right now I'm trying to figure out how the Socket Quest will work and how many sockets can be rewarded, and how much it will cost and all that jazz.


Any suggestions for price range per socket?


Also, should I sell the runes or make people find them...  Hm...


Well, as to the quest ill leave that up to you, as with the pricing, but my 2 cents is on, make some runes available commonly - like runes which offer slight resistances to cold or heat (example, think about it, more likely to be worn by normal people than runes offering +5 strength) and if possible add guild specific runewords (namely only the runesmith of that guild/organisation can forge the runes into that word - give a higher bonus on that guilds primary attribute/s)


And have quests and even rumours about more powerful runes, maybe even add a book or two which give hints to the locations of powerful runes needed to forge certain extremly powerful runewords, hell the runesmith may let it slip that if you can locate a certain rune he can make a rare and extremly powerful runeword.


Just throwing ideas around, im currently working on expanding the weapons range, hoping to once i learn to model better add rudimentary firearms, and grenades to the game. Maybe if i can figure out how to do it, have the option to convert certain potions into molitov cocktails......

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Maybe it should be scaled such that the higher number of sockets costs alot more say 10/100/1000 as opposed to 10/20/30 for example (illustrative figures not suggestions). Agree with I-C's suggestions re: rarity of runes
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you should be able to socket full soulgems too thatd be grweat like a soul gem with a golden saint gives constant healing or restore fatigue
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or u cud have charms as well as long as we're going with the d2 style theme. stuff that so long as u keep in ur inventory has certain effects.


would probably be complicated 2 do tho

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