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Oblivion: Video Game Promoting WITCHCRAFT, SATANISM, & POLYTHEISM


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It's just a game!


Honestly, I just play it to unwind (which can have the opposite effect if my mods clash or make the game crash). Unmodded, this should be oh for kids too. People who pick out certain parts of this and go "someone think of the children" like that lady from the Simpsons, probably watch worse on tv. Computer games always get a disproportionatly harder attack over how they corrupt the young ones. Easy, don't get it for your kids.


People have 2 things, freewill and common sense. In other words, people will decide for thenselves if something is good or bad for them, the exception being kids who don't know any better. Heh I know I would not let kids play mine, not with it being HGEC modded.


If you have problems with the game, don't play it. Easy.

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It's just a game!


Honestly, I just play it to unwind (which can have the opposite effect if my mods clash or make the game crash). Unmodded, this should be oh for kids too. People who pick out certain parts of this and go "someone think of the children" like that lady from the Simpsons, probably watch worse on tv. Computer games always get a disproportionatly harder attack over how they corrupt the young ones. Easy, don't get it for your kids.


People have 2 things, freewill and common sense. In other words, people will decide for thenselves if something is good or bad for them, the exception being kids who don't know any better. Heh I know I would not let kids play mine, not with it being HGEC modded.


If you have problems with the game, don't play it. Easy.



That's pretty much the size of it. It all comes down to whether you think it's good or bad for them to play it. If they think it's good, and they have no problem with it, then good for them. If they think it's bad and they have a problem with it, that's fine too. And if they think it's bad but don't care and play it anyways, good for them. Single player role-playing is always a personal choice. If you enjoy it and it doesn't get in other people's way, then I don't see what's wrong with it.

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It's just a game!

this cannot be true!!!!! Oblivion is real...yes,real I tell you.Are you all mad? cannot you see the plot to lull us into complacency and then take over? are you all blinded by the glitz and eye candy that you deem this to be unreal!!!..om my god am I the only one to see the reality of it all!!!!


What... its time for my meds,I'll be back!

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Really? That makes me so happy to hear... I mean... Does anyone really got a problem with naked chicks, religious orgies and hot girls who wear stockings and fly brooms?


Truth is that Satanism is a peacefull beleif most of the time, the media just make them seem like bloodthirsty cultists >_<.

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How do these People get to this angle? I mean, this Reverend Guy brings up some Points that confuse me; Ok, he said that the realm of Oblivion is basically Hell. There is not much to deny there. But the Game tells us that this "Hell" is a bad Place. You don't want to end up there. The Player is encouraged to keep this "Hell" from conquering the World.


Isn't that a good Thing?


He also said that you could drink Alcohol in this Game. Right, but the Game shows you that Alcohol is bad for you. The Game tells you that Drug abuse (Skooma) is bad for you.


Isn't that a good thing? I mean, if you really want to see this Video game as some means to get Propaganda into our Childrens Brains, isn't this the Kind of Propaganda the Christians would like to get in there?

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Well... I think those forums are brilliant, nothing makes people becomme atheists faster than spending fifteen minutes there. I actually talked to a pastor there, a real pastor... And I asked him something related to the fact that the people who took america from the Native-Americans where chrisitans... I said something like "But you can't think it was okay that the people raped, enslaved and killed the Native Americans?" he said:


"You cannot rape the willing, I have never seen a squaw that's not hungry for some white rooster (Stupid cencorship edited the word, but you get the point)"


Sorry for the vulgarity in the quote, but I wasn't the one who said it, that guy was a real pastor. I mainly use the quote as an example for how ignorant and twisted these people are. They are hipocritical racists who just wants everyone to feel bad about being human beings so that they can fill that empty hole of where the joy in their lives are suppoused to be...


So by all means, everything you hear there is lies... God is meant to be something good, not a weapon for people's campaigns of hatred. So being a christian is the biggest sin one can commit to the people around him or her, because nothing is more annoying.


So by all means... The next time someone calls you a sinner, just tell them that it's worth it.

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So being a christian is the biggest sin one can commit to the people around him or her, because nothing is more annoying.


The rest of your post I can agree with, simply because the people on that site are nothing more than hateful and ignorant twisted people whose weapon happens to be christianity.


People like that give christianity a bad name.


This being said, I don't think it's at all fair for you to say being a christian at all is an annoyance to others, a sin even.


Just considering the logic of your statement falls back poorly on you. "Sin" is a concept of wrong, primarily associated with christianity. If you come from the point of view as an athiest, then "Sin" is moot because you dont believe in it to begin with.


You can't name a flock a black flock because it has one black sheep. It is true that a group is only as strong as its weakest member. But this is only half the truth. By the same logic, a group is only as weak as its strongest member. Yes, there are a lot of bad and downright horrible things done by christians in the name of God, but there's also a lot of good that's come out of it.


As for me...I seriously believe religion should be a personal matter and not a public one. I honestly think churches were the worst thing to ever happen to christianity. If you wear your beliefs on your sleeve, then people will come after you for them. But as the saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind". Personal beliefs are people's own business.


I'm surprised that this thread is still going. In the "debates" section, there's a ban on religious debates, so I don't see why they can't make that policy universal. And they were banned for the simple reason that religion is too touchy of a topic to even begin to debate about, and almost always ends in flame wars, and overall isn't doing anyone good.


I've said my piece.


Oh, and It's a parody site.

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