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Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.


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New release of the Might and Magic series (well suppose to be).

Seems like they are making a new Might and Magic game but changing it from the multi-character turnbased fps rpg to fps rpg (morrowind style).

They are using the Source engine (Valve not tessource :P )


The game happens in the world of Ashen, a dark and unforgiving world that has a bloody history and prophecies hanging over it. You play as Sareth a young hero trained in combat and magic.


Seems like you get to play as either a Magician , Warrior or thief.

And you unlock new combat combos and magic as you level.

Ubisoft says that the game will be the first fantasy roleplaying game that uses a complete first person fighting , and are bragging about that the whole playercharacter is simulated with realistic movements and physics.The game lets you wreck havoc with 40 diffrent weapons and a few dozen spells.


The game also comes with multiplayer for up to 32 people with modes like Deathmatch and an Evolution mode where you play through online campaignes and get uppgrades to you gear and character as you progress.


Some screenhots on their teaser website : http://www.mightandmagic.com/us/darkmessiah/teaser/



Im a big fan of the Might and Magic games but this one looks like a dissapointment comming imo. One of the traits that the Might and Magic had was creating your own characters and having a party of adventurers with the turnbased combat system. Seems like this one will probably fade behind Oblivion and gothic III and go rather unnoticed.

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The last FPS might and magic game released was truly awful...as was Heroes of M&M IV I thought.


I think the last Might and Magic game that was any good was the 3rd...with the expansions loaded up. A pity really...so much potential.

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I've played all the HoMM series, as well as The King's Bounty and love them all to bits. I still play HoMM4 to this day (played a whole scenario today as Beowulf ;)). I've liked each and every one of them, and, contrary to most people's opinions, I find HoMM4 to be the best of the bunch (most people seem to prefer HoMM3, but I don't know why). HoMM5 has also been announced; it looks very different.


I had M&M 6 or 8, can't remember, but really didn't like it. Probably didn't give it enough time, but it's graphic's looked on par with Daggerfall and Magestorm.

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It does actually look like it might be a good game. They have done some nifty stuff with the physics on what they have shown but that could easily just be heavy scripted action like HL2.
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